  • 學位論文


The Determinants of International Hotel Groups’ Entry Modes into Southeast Asia

指導教授 : 趙義隆


2009年全球觀光受金融風暴影響,之後每年全球觀光業都以穩定成長率逐漸復甦。2017年更是全球觀光旅遊產業自2010年之後成長幅度最高的一年,其中以東南亞地區的成長率最高。而飯店產業扮演觀光產業裡很重要的角色,當地旅館住宿的需求與競爭隨著旅遊造訪人次的成長而增加。本論文聚焦在國際旅客造訪人次與觀光旅遊業產值在東南亞前四名的國家―泰國、新加坡及印尼,以國際生產折衷論及網路國際生產折衷論為研究架構探討六間國際飯店在東南亞市場的進入模式。 使用資訊化管理系統與從事電子商務成為現今全球飯店產業的普遍商業行為。因此相較於過去文獻僅限探討國際生產折衷理論中的傳統變數對進入模式的影響,本論文導入網路國際生產折衷論,加入討論網路和資訊科技方面變數對現代飯店業進入模式的影響。本研究分別針對所有權優勢、區位優勢、內部化優勢與網路基礎優勢如何影響企業進入模式的選擇提出假說,並透過個案次級資料蒐集分析研究結果,最後提出命題。 本論文導入網路折衷理論開創的假說獲得研究結果支持。研究結果顯示歐美飯店集團在東南亞進入模式的決策不只會受到國際生產折衷論的三項優勢影響,同時也有受到網路國際生產折衷論中的變數影響的趨勢。未來研究可以引入更多其他網路國際生產折衷論中的變數共同探討,並且用更多的樣本驗證本研究提出的命題。目前針對東南亞飯店市場的研究並不多,本研究有助於了解觀光業正在蓬勃發展的東南亞市場,以及現代飯店業的海外投資行為。


Global tourism industry has been growing each year since 2010. The annual growth rate of worldwide international tourist arrivals has reached its peak at 7% in 2017, with Southeast Asia being the fastest-growing area. Based on the fact that the demand for accommodation grows as the number of tourist arrivals increases, this thesis focuses on foreign hotel brands’ entry modes into Thailand, Singapore and Indonesia, where tourism markets are among top four in Southeast Asia. The thesis is based on the eclectic (OLI) paradigm and the N-OLI paradigm, which adds network-based advantage to the original OLI paradigm. The N-OLI paradigm was rarely studied by research before, while the additional application of the N-OLI paradigm is necessary to the hotel industry because international hotels have been widely using information management system. Moreover, most international hotel brands are engaged in electronic commerce nowadays. The thesis proposes hypotheses based on the four advantages, following case studies and discussion. The secondary data is collected via internet. The result of the research demonstrates that international hotels’ entry modes into Southeast Asia are not only influenced by factors from ownership advantage, location advantage and internalization advantage, but also by factors from network-based advantage. This study furthers the understanding of the international hotel chains from United States and Europe’s foreign investment strategies nowadays and the thriving tourism markets in Southeast Asia.


一、 中文部分
