  • 學位論文


Synthesis of poly(styrene-butyl acrylate)/polyaniline latex by polymeric surfactant

指導教授 : 邱文英


本研究主要分為三個部分,第一部分是利用活性自由基聚合的方法合成高分子型界面劑,以起始劑KPS與活性自由基TEMPO去進行聚合反應,以製備出分子量分布小於1.5的水溶性高分子PSSNa,並對於SSNa/KPS在不同比例的反應條件下去進行探討,最後再將PSSNa的末端接上一小段具有雙鍵DVB,並以GPC去測量其分子量大小、分子量分佈與轉化率、以元素分析儀與TGA去估計DVB所佔之比例。 第二部分主要是將第一部分所合成出的PSSNa-DVB產物,利用其DVB的雙鍵特性,使其能與St、BA等不同的單體進行乳化聚合反應,產生出各種不同PSSNa-DVB/單體比例的親疏水性接枝型共聚物,再另外探討若使用PSSNa、PSSH、PSSH-DVB等不同於PSSNa-DVB的物質時,會產生如何的改變,並以光散射(light scattering)與TEM去觀測乳液顆粒的大小及分佈狀態。 第三部分主要是利用所使用的高分子型界面劑會帶負電,而苯胺會帶正電,利用正負電相吸的原理,將第二部分所合成出的乳膠顆粒外圍去包覆導電高分子(聚苯胺),以形成核殼型態的複合乳膠粒子,然後再對於乳液的不同、pH值的不同、苯胺與氧化劑使用量的不同等變因去做探討,以FTIR觀察聚苯胺氧化還原態的比例、探討聚苯胺UV-vis光譜的變化、以TEM觀察乳液的顆粒大小及分佈狀態與包覆情形、以導電度計量測薄膜的導電度。


This research includes 3 parts. In first part, living free-radical polymerization method is applied. Use KPS as initiator and TEMPO as stable free radical to do polymerization and yield PSSNa with polydispersity less than 1.5. SSNa/KPS is studied under reaction conditions with different contents. Then attach a small length of double-bonded DVB to the end of PSSNa. Molecular weight、molecular wiegth distribution and conversion are measured with Gel Permeation Chromatography. The contents of DVB is measured with Transmitting Electron Microscope and Elemental Analyzer. In second part, characteristic of double-bonded DVB is utilized so that PSSNa-DVB which is synthesized in first part could lead to emulsion polymerization with some monomers like Styrene、Butyl Acrylate etc. This results in various PSSNa-DVB/monomer ratio amphiphilic copolymer. It is also studied that what will be changed if those materials different from PSSNa-DVB, such as PSSNa, PSSH and PSSH-DVB are used. Light scattering and Transmitting Electron Microscope are applied to observe the size and distribution of latex particle. In the last part, because of the polymeric surfactant is negatively charged, and aniline is positively charged ,by the electrostatic attraction, conducting polymer, polyaniline, with the latex synthesized from the second part and result in core/shell complex latex particle. Then those factors are studied, include different latex, PH value and amount of aniline/APS ratio etc. Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrophotometer is applied to estimate the rato of oxidation state and reduction state. UV-visible is applied to observe the conformation. Transmitting Electron Microscope is applied to observe the size and distribution of latex particle and the cladding condition. Milliohm meter is applied to calculate the conductivity of thin film.


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