  • 學位論文


Analysis of Key Factors for BOT Ropeway Projects in Taiwan

指導教授 : 郭斯傑


推動公共建設,帶動地方發展,一向是政府施政的重要口號。而隨著兩岸直航的開放,來台觀光的遊客量提昇,如何促進地方的觀光發展帶動經濟繁榮,並改善區域交通環境,儼然成為政府推動公共建設之重要課題。根據行政院最新「觀光政策白皮書」所提出之「國內旅遊發展方案」觀光政策,其中研究高山地區建置纜車系統即為短期內之重要執行計畫,期能藉由纜車系統的建設,改善交通可及性、發展地區觀光產業,並同時帶動整體區域的經濟發展。 近年來,國內各地方政府正積極規劃推動轄區內各觀光景點纜車系統之公共建設。經查,國內大部分纜車系統公共建設,均規劃以促進民間參與公共建設方式來推動辦理,目前除南投縣日月潭纜車為國內唯一以促參方式推動成功案例外,其餘如臺北市北投纜車,政府與BOT特許公司簽訂投資契約後,開工不到三個月即發生環境影響評估疑義,而停工至今﹔臺北市貓空纜車,初期規劃以促參方式辦理,惟經財務評估分析不具民間投資效益後,改由政府自籌經費興建﹔新北市金九纜車,辦理BOT招商說明會後,未辦理公告即無疾而終﹔新北市三鶯纜車,歷經三次BOT招商公告,皆無民間業者提出申請而暫緩辦理;另高雄市寶來藤枝纜車與跨港纜車BOT計畫,目前政府亦暫緩辦理中。由此可見,國內纜車系統之公共建設,目前在推動執行上尚有許多潛在問題。 本研究經文獻回顧與專家訪談,彙整國內纜車促參案例探討分析結果,致歸納目前國內纜車促參建設之重要執行問題,包含:(一)地理環境條件限制、(二)財務效益問題、(三)用地取得困難、(四)區域觀光條件不足、(五)法令適用與認知差異、(六)主辦單位過度樂觀。本研究在於有系統的調查與分析,探討國內纜車促參建設重要執行問題之所在,並研提相關解決對策與建議,可提供政府主辦機關推動辦理纜車系統促參建設之重要參考。


Government has the responsibility to develop infrastructures for local development. With the opening of cross-strait direct flights and the growing number of tourists coming to Taiwan, it is an important issue for government to enhance local tourism and improve regional traffic environment. According to the Tourism Policy White Paper proposed by Executive Yuan, R.O.C.(Taiwan), Domestic Tourism Development Program has mentioned that to research the feasibility analysis of building ropeway system in mountain area is main execution plan of short-term policy. Government expects to improve the traffic limitation, increases tourism industry, and also promotes economic development. In recent years, local governments actively plan the ropeway system project in all the tourist spots. Most of the rope way system project plan to adopt the Private Participation in Infrastructure Projects(PPIP). Currently, Sun Moon Lake ropeway in Nantou County is the only successful case to adopt the Private Participation in Infrastructure Project. The Beitou ropeway in Taipei City had suspended construction contract till now because of the matter of Environmental Impact Assessment Law after signing the BOT concession three months. Maokong Gondola in Taipei City would like to adopt the Private Participation in Infrastructure Projects, but could not meet the financial requirement for private investment after the financial analysis. Finally, the government raised funds to build. Jinguashin-Jioufen Ropeway in New Taipei City only held an explanation meeting to present the concept of BOT and the project had not any further progress. Sansia-Yingge Ropeway in New Taipei City cannot attract private investors and was forced to suspend the project after three times of public announcement. Another two cases, the Kaohsiung Harbor Cross-Harbor Tourism Cableway and Boalai-Tengjhih Ropeway projects in Kaohsiung City were also suspended by the government. Thus, there are still many potential problems need to be solved. This study analyzes the cases of PPIP in Taiwan by reference review and expert interview. The Important implementation issues of promoting ropeway PPIP includes: (a) the geographical environment restrictions, (b) the financial requirements, ( c) difficulties in land acquisition, (iv) conditions of regional tourism, (e) the cognitive differences of the related Act, (f) overly optimistic of organizers. This study presents a systematic survey and analyzes the problems of the implementation domestic PPIP ropeway projects. Also this study proposes the suggestions to the Government for promoting the PPIP in the ropeway system.




