  • 學位論文


Analyses of Young Adults’ Purchase Intention and Behavior of Sustainable Fashion Products

指導教授 : 陸怡蕙


全球的時尚產業價值持續成長,但過去在快時尚(fast fashion)的風潮之下,消費者和生產者往往漠視時尚產品對於環境的影響,因此,時尚產業的發展常常伴隨著環境與社會的問題。基於伴隨時尚產業發展而產生的環境問題,永續性成為時尚產業需要關注並且做出改變的一項重要議題,因此,雖然時尚產業由快時尚主導,但品牌和消費者都逐漸表現出對於永續時尚(sustainable fashion)的需求,而全球也正從快時尚逐漸轉向符合永續理念及對社會負責的慢時尚(slow fashion)。 年輕族群具有透過花錢向他人傳達時尚意識和社會地位的傾向,而致使年輕族群成為奢侈品牌公司的主要潛在消費族群,因此,本文針對年輕族群(18歲至40歲)進行永續時尚產品購買意圖與行為之分析。本研究將面子(face saving)、從眾(group conformity)、環保知識(environmental knnowledge)與永續標籤(sustainable labelling)等心理構面納入計畫行為理論(Theory of Planned Behavior),並以延伸的計畫行為理論來探討前述心理構面與永續時尚產品購買意圖及行為之關係。本研究利用結構方程模型(Structural Equation Model),驗證研究構面因子與年輕消費者永續時尚產品購買意圖之關係。實證結果發現,面子、從眾、環保知識和永續標籤等心理構面會正向且顯著地影響年輕消費者對於永續時尚產品之態度,其中以永續標籤之影響效果最大、環保知識則次之。此外,環保知識及永續標籤除了會影響年輕消費者的態度,也會影響其知覺行為控制(perceived behavioral control),且計畫行為理論之態度、主觀規範(subjective norms)、知覺行為控制等構面皆為影響年輕消費者購買意圖的重要因子。本研究也進一步針對曾經及未曾購買永續時尚產品的消費者,分別進行路徑係數分析,並利用單因子變異數分析(One-way ANOVA),探討該兩群消費者在態度與購買意圖上之差異。結果發現,曾經購買的年輕消費者對於永續時尚產品的態度與購買意圖平均值皆顯著高於不曾購買的族群,此結果說明,年輕消費族群對於永續時尚產品的正向態度是決定其是否購買永續時尚產品的重要影響因子。 在年輕族群購買永續時尚產品的頻率部分,本研究利用單元排序性機率模型(Ordered Probit Model)分析面子、從眾、環保知識和永續標籤等心理構面因子如何透過其對於購買意圖的影響,進一步影響年輕消費者之永續時尚產品購買頻率。本研究發現,年輕族群的月收入會對其永續時尚產品購買頻率產生正向且顯著的影響,且年輕族群中的 Y 世代相較於 Z 世代,其對於永續時尚產品的購買更為頻繁,故依此推論,經濟能力是決定年輕族群購買永續時尚產品之頻率的重要影響因子。


As consumers become increasingly concerned about the negative environmental and social influence of fashion products, sustainability has become an important issue for both the fashion industry and consumers. In this study, the Extended Theory of Planned Behavior proposed by Ajzen (1991) and Godin and Kok (1996) was used to measure the determining factors of young consumers' purchasing intentions and behavior for sustainable fashion products. In this study, psychological factors including face-saving, group-conformity, environmental knowledge, and sustainable labelling were included into the Theory of Planned Behavior, and Structural Equation Model was used to verify the correlation between latent constructs and young consumers' purchase intention for sustainable fashion products. Based on the empirical results of Structural Equation Model, this study finds that face saving, group conformity, environmental knowledge, and sustainable labelling can positively and significantly contribute to young consumers' attitudes towards sustainable fashion products. Furthermore, environmental knowledge and sustainable labelling not only affect attitude; but also contribute to consumers’ perceived behavioral control. In addition, the main factors of the Theory of Planned Behavior, attitude, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control, all have a significant positive influence on young consumers' purchasing intention. Lastly, regarding the purchasing behavior of sustainable fashion products of the young generation, this study used Ordered Probit Model to analyze the determining factors on young consumers' frequency of sustainable fashion products purchase. This study found that Generation Y of the young group purchased more sustainable fashion products than Generation Z, and income has a positive influence on the purchasing frequency of young people. Therefore, it is concluded that the economic condition is of considerable importance to the purchasing frequency of young people's consumption of sustainable fashion products.


吳明隆(2007)。 SPSS 操作與應用: 問卷統計分析實務。五南圖書出版股份有限公司.
