  • 學位論文


Alien pet insects: approach to utilization, risk assessment and management

指導教授 : 楊平世


由 1999 至 2003 年,日本政府合法開放外來種甲蟲以寵物昆蟲之名義輸入日本,共有 436 種外來種甲蟲被許可進口;而四年間,計有 41 起野外發現外來種甲蟲個體的案例;這些外來種甲蟲有些身上帶有寄生蟲或其他病原,這些寄生蟲或病原的傳染造成了日本本土種甲蟲死亡的案例;甚至有些外來種甲蟲與本地同種甲蟲雜交,造成基因污染問題。在台灣,隨著網路的發達及普及,越來越多不屬於傳統寵物規範的寵物昆蟲受到廣大的喜愛,其中以外來的兜蟲及鍬形蟲為市面上販賣飼養的主流;從寵物昆蟲專賣店數量增加可以看出寵物昆蟲市場的擴大;2002 年時台北僅有 5 家寵物昆蟲專賣店,到現在共有 25 家以上的寵物昆蟲專賣店。而其他水族店或是傳統寵物店,甚至是在街邊的攤販,都可發現販賣寵物昆蟲。另外,除了實體店面販售之外,網路上的交易活動也日漸活躍;面對此情形,目前卻沒有相對應的管理辦法,其衍生出的問題都令人擔憂。本研究對台北縣市內的店家做整合調查及建立外來寵物昆蟲名錄共 189 種,並以現有名錄中寵物昆蟲的生物學特性,參考防檢局及文獻所收集之外來物種風險評估方法,及最後修訂適合外來寵物昆蟲使用之風險評估系統,以評估目前引入台灣之外來寵物昆蟲之風險等級,依評估結果目前在台灣市面上所販售之外來寵物昆蟲,目前共有31種屬於高風險等級之物種,其中包含 Xylotrupes gideon 及其亞種、Oryctes 屬的 O. boas、O. gun、O. monoceros、O. rhinoceros 及Diloboderus abderus等兜蟲及 Aegus 屬的 A. acuminatus、A. amplus、A. mindanaoensis、A. philippinensis、A. platyodon、A. currani、A. parallelus、A. insipidus,及 Lamprima 屬中的L. adolphinae、L. aurata、L. insularis、L. micardi、L. varians 等鍬形蟲。建議防檢局及相關單位勿准許這些種類進口,並對以進口販售者加強宣導,或仿效日本訂定落日條款,在一定時間之後完全禁止其販售。此風險評估結果可提供法規防治之基礎。同時,本研究並對目前台灣寵物昆蟲發展現況及問題提出討論,訂定寵物昆蟲管理辦法草案,也參考日本的前車之鑑,設想可能有效的解決方式。


寵物昆蟲 甲蟲 外來種 入侵 風險評估


Pet insects’ market in Taiwan is expanding now, more alien pet insects has been imported to Taiwan in legal and illegal ways. From 2000 to now, the rapid development of alien pet insects is even more alarming. In 2005, there are only 5 insect stores in Taiwan, up to now it increases to 85. In many aquarium shops or traditional pet shops, or even the vendors in the streets, this situation makes the pet insect purchase easily. According to the survey, there are 189 species of pet insects in Taiwan, and 172 species are stag-beetle (Lucanidae) or rhinocero beetles (Scarabaeidae). Most of them are from Japan and South Asia. The damage of invading species to the ecosystem of invaded area has many related research. Finding a balance between the protection of the ecosystem of Taiwan and the demand of the market is an important issue. In this paper, based on quarantine pest risk analysis to assess the potential risks of alien insects, and that it will serve as a viable basis for effective management approach. The results indicates more than 31 species are rank to high risk species. And the results are also proposed that Bureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine and other relevant units may do not permit these high risk species import and sale or follow the example of Japan set the sunset provisions. Otherwise, this research will serve as a viable basis for effective management approach.


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