  • 學位論文


Development of the Dust and Odorants Removal Equipment in the Feed Mill

指導教授 : 侯文祥


國內傳統畜牧產業、飼料廠及加工廠在生產過程所衍生的空氣污染、廢水等環保問題,常導致附近居民陳情。飼料廠產生的粉塵臭味通常以動物性蛋白質的氨氮為主。本研究以結合異味處理技術及洗滌設備整合為一套系統設備,應用於飼料廠的逸散粉塵及異味去除,並於洗滌設備中增加微細氣泡裝置並添加木酢液提高去除氨氮及粉塵效率。 依預備實驗結果顯示,飼料廠的顆粒機室粉塵濃度為119*103~356*103 PT/ cm3,氨氣濃度為0.48~2 ppm,粉塵粒徑範圍0.2~12.5μm。本研究設備分為二部分處理裝置,第一部分為有效收集粉塵之集塵裝置,減少散逸在空氣中的粉塵濃度,第二部分為洗滌式處理槽設計,組合成淨化設備(1)和淨化設備(2)共兩套設備。 實驗結果得知,集塵罩廢氣進氣口測得粉塵濃度約112~141*103 PT/ cm3,乾淨出氣口為12.7~26.9*103 PT/ cm3,去除粉塵效果達77~89%;集塵罩出氣口測得氨氣濃度為0.49~2ppm,廢氣經洗滌液淨化處理後,測得排氣口氨氣濃度約為0~0.16ppm,處理效率達92%~100%。因此,本研究研發之粉塵、異味去除設備可有效收集空氣粉塵,並將粉塵經過吸附、除臭處理後再釋放乾淨空氣,可改善飼料廠整體空氣品質,減少環境污染及廠商生產成本。


粉塵 異味 氨氮 木酢液 微細氣泡


The dust is easily emitted from the Feed mills that cause a lot of complain from neighborhood. The smell of dust generated by feed mills was usually ammonia-based animal protein. In this study, we combined with odor treatment technology and cleaning equipment integrated into the system equipment, then add Pyroligneous Acid to remove the ammonia of feed mills fugitive dust and odor in the washing machine. According to preliminary test results show that the concentration of feed mills’ Granular material room were dust at of 119*103~356*103 PT/cm3, NH3 concentration at 0.48 ~ 2 ppm. The dust particle size at 0.2 to 12.5μm. The facility were divided into two parts. The first part was dust collector, it could collect dust effectively. The dust mainly existed near by Feed mills’ facilities, so we developed dust collection equipment to reduce indoor dust. The second part was washing-through processing tank. We added same proportion of Pyroligneous Acid in wash solution to decompose NH3 in the water. The results in our study show the Dust-cover exhaust gas inlet as measured dust concentration of about 112~141*103 PT/cm3, a clean air outlet is 12.7~26.9*103 PT/cm3, dust removal efficiency reached 77 to 89%; dust hood outlet measured NH3 concentration of 0.49 ~ 2ppm, after the exhaust gas purification by washing liquid, measured vent ammonia concentration of about 0 ~ 0.16 ppm, the removal efficiency of 92% to 100%. In this study, the dust and odor-removing device can effectively collect airborne dust and dust through adsorption-deodorizing treatment, then release and clean the air. It was not only improve the air quality of feed mills, but also reduce environmental pollution and production costs of manufacturers.


Dust Odor Ammonia Pyroligneous Acid Microbubble


