  • 學位論文


The Interconnection between Sun Yat-sen's Revolution and the Hakkas in East Asia

指導教授 : 趙永茂 周陽山 邱榮舉


本論文旨在探討孫中山革命與東亞客家議題之關聯。主要研究目的有二:一、探討孫中山在推動中國革命運動中與日本、越南、新加坡、馬來西亞等國家華人社會中之客家關聯;二、分析孫中山與臺灣客家運動之關聯與影響。 本論文主要的研究題旨有二:一、孫中山所推動的中國革命運動與日本、東南亞客家人有何關聯?二、孫中山與近代臺灣客家之關聯為何?孫中山對當代(1945年以後)臺灣客家運動之發展有何影響? 本論文的主要研究途徑,一方面採取「歷史學研究途徑」與「政治學研究途徑」,另一方面也嘗試運用「客家研究途徑」的可能性,以探討孫中山革命與東亞客家之關聯。在研究方法,係以文獻分析為主,實地訪查為輔。 本論文的主要重點可分為三項:一、關於孫中山革命與客家人之關聯;二、關於孫中山革命與海外華人社會中客家因素之關係;三、關於孫中山革命與臺灣客家之關聯。 本論文的主要觀點有五個:1. 孫中山既是客家人也是廣府人。2. 孫中山推動中國革命運動成功之重要背景,包括「客家因素」在內。3. 在孫中山中國革命成功因素中,丘逢甲與客家因素扮演重要的角色。4. 孫中山革命事業對當代「臺灣客家運動」有重大的啟迪意義,且對臺灣客家發展有深遠影響。5. 「客家研究途徑」與社會科學中的「菁英研究」,對於本論文有實質的研究貢獻。


The purpose of this doctoral dissertation is to explore the interconnection between Sun Yat-sen's Revolution and the Hakkas in East Asian Chinese Communities. There are two main purposes of the research: first, to explore Sun Yat-sen's interconnection with the Hakkas in Japan, Vietnam, Singapore, Malaysia to promote the Chinese Revolutionary Movement; second, to analyze the interconnection between Sun Yat-sen and the Hakka Movement in Taiwan. There are two main research questions: 1. What is the interconnection between the Chinese Revolutionary Movement promoted by Sun Yat-sen and the Hakkas in Japan and Southeast Asia? 2. What is the interconnection between Sun Yat-sen and the Hakka Movement in Taiwan? What influence did Sun Yat-sen have on the development of the Hakka Movement in Taiwan today (after 1945)? The main approaches of this doctoral dissertation is to adopt the "Historical Approach" and "Political Approach" on the one hand, and also tries to use the possibility of the "Hakka Approach" to explore the interconnection between Sun Yat-sen's Revolution and East Asian Hakka. As for the methods, it is mainly based on "Document Analysis", supplemented by "Field Survey". The main focus of this doctoral dissertation can be divided into three key points: 1. About the interconnection between the Sun Yat-sen's Revolution and the Hakkas; 2. About the interconnection between the Sun Yat-sen's Revolution and the "Hakka Factors" in overseas Chinese communities; 3. About the interconnection between the Sun Yat-sen's Revolution and the Hakkas in Taiwan. There are five main points: 1. Sun Yat-sen is both a Hakka and a Cantonese in China. 2. The important background of Sun Yat-sen's success in promoting the Chinese Revolutionary Movement, including the "Hakka Factors". 3. Among the success factors of Sun Yat-sen's Chinese Revolution, Chiu Feng-chia and the "Hakka Factors" played an important role. 4. Sun Yat-sen's Revolutionary cause has great enlightening significance for the contemporary " Hakka Movement in Taiwan " and has a profound impact on the development of the Hakkas. 5. The "Hakka Approach" and the "Elite Research" in the social sciences have made substantial research contributions to this thesis.


中國國民黨中央委員會黨史委員會(編訂)(1994)。《國父年譜》增訂本,國立國父紀念館,中山學術資料庫。https://sunology.yatsen.gov.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/s2gsweb.cgi/login?o=dwebmge cache=1618367924346
