  • 學位論文


Taiwan’s National Orientation (1945-2008)

指導教授 : 邱榮舉


回顧臺灣的歷史,臺灣是一個海洋之島,地理位置介於日本、歐亞大陸、東南亞與太平洋間,自古以來就是各國船隻停泊的轉運站。15、16世紀的大航海時代,在海權爭霸的國際環境中,臺灣逐漸受到矚目。1624年,荷蘭人進入南臺灣,緊接著1626年,西班牙人派兵攻占北臺灣。1662年,鄭成功率領軍隊攻下荷蘭建造的熱蘭遮城,擊垮荷蘭東印度公司在臺灣設立的政權,建立臺灣歷史上第一個華人政權。1683年,清帝國將領施琅率軍攻占臺灣,正式結束鄭氏三代在臺灣的統治。1895年,清帝國因為甲午戰爭失敗,與日本簽訂《馬關條約》將臺灣和澎湖的領土主權割讓給日本。這一年,反對將臺灣割讓給日本的臺灣人民成立「臺灣民主國」,但只維持半年就被平復,政權為期甚短,日本逐步控制全臺,統治權愈趨穩固。 二次大戰日本戰敗,1945年,中華民國將臺灣納入一省。1949年,中華民國因失守大陸領土而將政府遷移到臺灣,然而,戰後各項國際文書有關臺灣領土主權終局歸屬的規定模糊,使得中華民國的統治合法性始終有質疑的聲浪,加上被逐出聯合國,失去中國代表權地位,在國際上的處境與地位極為脆弱。1990年代開始,一連串臺灣化的憲政改造與民主工程大幅展開,國民主權普遍落實,國家領導人持續彰顯臺灣的國家人格,臺灣的國家定位似乎出現轉變的跡象。臺灣的國家定位在政治上始終是一個敏感的問題,成為臺灣政治文化的特殊現象。本研究基於臺灣關懷的初衷,深盼以國際法上的學理與現實運作,忠實呈現自1945年到2008年的臺灣國家定位。 本文提出「新生國家有機體模型」,將國家視為一個有機體,重視國家成長的動態過程,而「國民」、「國土」、「政府」、「主權」、「國家人格的自我主張」是核心的五要素。此五要素之任何一項出現變化,將牽動國家定位的座標,產生擺盪,乃為臺灣國家定位進化或退化的重要關鍵。新生國家要能長期鞏固與發展,各要素的關係與互動須達到均衡,並且適應國際環境的變化。美國、日本、中華人民共和國等主要國家對臺灣的主權地位立場,亦影響臺灣國家定位的狀態。 此外,探討臺灣的國家定位必須釐清兩層面問題,一項是「臺灣的領土主權歸屬」,另一項則為「中華民國的法律地位」。本文發現,在「臺灣的領土主權歸屬」層面,1895年至1952年是「日本領土時期」;1952年至1991年是「屬於同盟國,地位未定時期」;1991年以後是「中華民國領土時期」。在「中華民國的法律地位」層面,1912年至1945年是「中國合法政府時期」;1945年至1949年是「暫管臺灣的中國合法政府時期」;1949年至1971年是「流亡並暫管臺灣的名義上中國合法政府時期」;1971年至1991年是「流亡並暫管臺灣的中國叛亂政府時期」;1991年以後是「臺灣新國家時期」。


Looking back on Taiwan’s history, it is an island in ocean and located between Japan, Eurasia, Southeast Asia and the Pacific Ocean, and it is also a transfer station for the berthing of ships from various countries since ancient times. Since the Age of Exploration in 15th and 16th century, Taiwan gradually became the focus of attention in the international environment of competing over the ocean power. In 1624, the Dutch entered the south part of Taiwan, while the Spaniard sent troops and occupied the north part of Taiwan two years later. In 1662, Jheng Cheng-gong led troops and took Zeelandia established by the Dutch in Taiwan, and defeated the regime established by Dutch East India Company, who then established the first Chinese regime in Taiwan history. In 1683, Qing government general Shi Lang led troops to attack and occupy Taiwan which formally ended the Jheng’s reign of three generations in Taiwan. In 1895, Qing government was defeated in Sino-Japanese war of 1894-1895 and signed Treaty of Shimonoseki with Japan, which ceded the territory and sovereignty of Taiwan and Penghu to Japan. In the same year, the people in Taiwan who opposed ceding established “Taiwan Democratic Country”, which only lasted half a year. After that, Japan gradually controlled the whole Taiwan and its ruling power was becoming more and more stable. Japan was defeated in World War Ⅱ. In 1945, Taiwan was brought into Republic of China as a province. In 1949, the government of Republic of China lost mainland China and retreated to Taiwan. However, the rules of international documentations concerning the final ownership of Taiwan’s territory and sovereignty were not clear, which raised doubts in the legitimacy of Republic of China’s rule. In addition, it was expelled from UN and lost its representation of China, which brought it into an extremely weak position and status. Since 1990s, a series of constitutional reform and democratic project were developed, national sovereignty was generally put into practice, the leaders in Taiwan continuously demonstrated the national character of Taiwan, and the national orientation of Taiwan showed a transformation sign. Taiwan’s national orientation is still a politically sensitive issue and becomes a special phenomenon in Taiwan’s political culture. Based on the concern for Taiwan, this study attempts to present Taiwan’s national orientation from 1945 to 2008 faithfully according to the theories and practical operations in international law. The new nation organism model put forward by this study regards nation as an organism and pays attention to the dynamic process of national growth, in which citizens, territory, government, sovereignty and self-assertion of national character are five core elements. Once any element changes, it will affect the coordinates of nation orientation and produces swing, which is the important key in the advancement or degeneration of national orientation. Only the relationship and interaction of every element in a new nation is balanced and adaptive to the national environment changes, can the nation achieve the long-term consolidation and development. The sovereignty status and position of United States, Japan and People’s Republic of China towards Taiwan also affect Taiwan’s national orientation. In addition, two questions should be clarified when exploring Taiwan’s national orientation, one is the ownership of Taiwan’s territory and sovereignty, the other is the legal status of Republic of China. This study finds that in terms of the ownership of Taiwan’s territory and sovereignty, from 1895 to 1952, Taiwan was in the period of Japanese colonial rule; from 1952 to 1991, Taiwan belonged to Allied Powers; after 1991, Taiwan was in the period of Republic of China. In terms of the legal status of Republic of China, from 1912 to 1945, Taiwan was in the period of Chinese legitimate government; from 1945 to 1949, Taiwan was temporarily under the governance of Chinese legitimate government; from 1949 to 1971, Taiwan was temporarily under the governance control of nominal Chinese legitimate government-in-exile; from 1971 to 1991, Taiwan was temporarily under the governance of Chinese rebel government-in-exile; after 1991, Taiwan entered into a new period as a nation.


歐陽睿,2007,《崛起與威脅:英國崛起下的荷蘭共和國》(A.D. 1604~1702),國立政治大學政治學系碩士論文。

