  • 學位論文


Integrating dual (multiple) cultures and building a viable business model: The case of a creative restaurant

指導教授 : 陸洛


科技、經濟、社會趨勢、政策等外部環境的動態變動和內部成長突破的危機,企業被迫改變原有單一型態的經營方式,營利、非營利間的界線越來越模糊,新型態的混合型組織隨之而起,但是兩者獨立的核心價值與經營理念文化,在混合的過程中如何化解衝突,成功整合,以應變環境和永續經營,引發此次研究動機。 本研究採用關鍵事件研究法,選定個案—某一創意餐廳的關鍵事件深入探討、搜集資料,運用半結構式的深度訪談,以了解事件整體過程。再經逐字稿分析,從混合型組織文化下的衝突歷程,與商業模式轉變的中組織設計槓桿調節過程,找出關鍵事件脈絡與相關決策和其結果,並從研究結果中給予管理者在文化整合上的建議有三點:一,製造契機,利用衝突,創造良性效益;二,利用危機,啟動變革,化解抗拒;三,整合文化,齊一步伐,共存共榮。 最後,組織的管理者是否有身為領導者的特質,在面對是外部市場環境的變動,抑或是因內部規模成長或組織成熟所發生的危機,設計更有韌性的組織,以靈活應變,並找到創意與商業文化共存共榮、永續經營的步調。


Living in a dynamic world, there is no company that can survive without changes. In the face of ever-changing external environment, such as economic, societal trends, politic, technology, and internal crises along with growth, the single form of an organization, either public, private, or third sector, makes companies harder to sustain. The blurring boundaries of sectors, as a result, comes the new forms of hybrid organizations. Yet, the dependent principles while in the zones of hybridization brings up the challenges and conflicts to be solved and integrated, and that motivates the purpose of this study. This thesis applies the method of critical incident technique by focusing on one creative restaurant. Through its critical incidents, semi-structured interview, we are able to get the full picture and understanding of the story for analysis. Then by analyzing the conflict process of the company’s hybrid zones, and changing process of its business model, to find out detailed understanding under the incidents and giving managers suggestions on integrating dual (multiple) cultures. First, create and manage the conflict to increase functional outcomes. Second, make the use of forces to start change, and use tactics to overcome the resistance. Third, align the core values to integrate diverse cultures and sustain in the dynamic world. Lastly, have the characteristics of being managers or leaders to successfully lead the organizations, have the capabilities to design resilient organization to take up inner or outer changes and viable model to integrate different cultures. All in all for the purpose of organization’s sustainability.


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