  • 學位論文


Assessment and Planning of Countryside Landscape Resources

指導教授 : 王鑫


在台灣地小人稠、發展快速的背景之下,城鄉空間日漸成為一個密不可分的連續體。然而,漫無目的的都市擴張造成了新舊夾雜、零散蔓布的土地利用,對於同時具備生產及休閒功能的鄉村景觀造成很大的衝擊。鄉村景觀是高價值的非再生性資源,是「經人與自然長時間演變,所形成具有特殊特質及重要美學、生態、文化、生物多樣性的地區」。為避免景觀資源受到破壞,應充分分析其自然環境特色、景觀生態過程及人類活動關係後,以區域為範圍進行保育。除了注重與周遭環境的關係,鄉村景觀也必須在國家規劃系統的架構下,配合適當的法令及規範。因此本研究將鄉村景觀定位於區域型景觀保護區的層次,使用「地景特質評估」進行研究區的分區及描述,並透過地景指數補充各區土地覆蓋的組成及形態關係,以求對鄉村景觀現況有完整、全面的了解。 研究結果顯示,整個研究區可由土地特質類型—視覺完整性的階層,依次劃分為十個景觀單元,經實地調查並加入意象元素後,逐一完成各區的地景特質描述。從描述結果中,可得本區鄉村景觀規劃的兩個準則—維護地景自然度及增加地景多樣性。再分別由這兩個準則選取適當的指數組合,分析不同覆蓋型所呈現的空間關係。 最後,以地景特質及計量分析為基礎,進行全區及區內規劃。全區規劃是在「地景自然度」及「地景多樣性」兩個主軸下,評估各區應採取的總體策略。區內規劃則針對各單元內部特性,以六種「景觀優勢項目」配合非都市土地使用規則及現場狀況,提出區內規劃措施。如此就能發揮各單元的特質,展現鄉村景觀豐富的面貌;進而形成兼具自然度及多樣性的鄉村景觀。研究結果可進一步往上形成國土景觀計畫與鄉村部門的實施方針,往下指導地方實際城鄉風貌建設;達到鄉村景觀縱向聯繫於國土規劃系統、橫向聯繫於周遭環境的完整架構。


Along with the rapid development in populous Taiwan, the urban-countryside space gradually becomes a continuum. A disordered, fragmented landscape derived from the expansion of uncontrolled urban development, inevitably caused a profound impact on countryside environment, including its productive and leisure functions. Landscape is a high-value nonrenewable resource, defined as an area with special aesthetic, ecological and cultural character. Therefore, landscape protection should be base on analyzing the natural environment, ecological process and human activities. Countryside landscape planning should fit into the national landuse planning hierarchy. This study focus on delineation of regional landscape protection, and adopts the landscape-led method: “ Landscape Character Assessment” to classify and describe landscape character; supported by calculating landscape metrics. Results show that the whole study area can be classified into 10 landscape units through a top-down “ land character type – visual unit” framework, and integrate other information like image element, to complete the description of each unit. According to the landscape character description, there are two criteria – maintaining landscape naturalness and increasing landscape diversity – which can be used to select suitable set of metrics to be calculated. These metrics are the bases to analyze different landscape cover types and its spatial signature. Finally, based on the results from landscape characterization and quantitative analysis, each unit was assigned a statement for its whole zone and intra zone landscape management. Whole-zone planning takes such strategies like protection / maintenance / enhancement to achieve landscape naturalness and landscape diversity. Intra-zone planning composed of 6 “landscape dominant items”. That is to display the rich character rooted in each unit, and to form a natural and diverse landscape. This study can also be linked upward to national landscape planning and downward to local constructive program.


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