  • 學位論文


A Study of Negative Identification against a Specific Party in Taiwan

指導教授 : 洪永泰


從《美國選民》一書出版以來,政黨認同一詞即被各界廣泛引用,是解釋選民長期投票行為的最主要因素之一。然而將這個概念運用於台灣時,人們會發現仍有些不足之處。本研究認為臺灣選民的整體投票行為表現,除了受到政黨認同的影響之外,還有對特定政黨不認同的因素。特定政黨不認同是選民對於某一特定政黨長時間持續且不輕易改變的厭惡情感,且無論如何絕對不會支持這個政黨。 本文先後以文獻、專家學者訪談、焦點團體討論與電話調查針對此一議題進行質化與量化的研究。文獻和質化研究都顯示,台灣選民特定政黨不認同態度的形成因素主要是國家認同、族群意識以及政黨形象。根據這些結果,本研究再設計題組量表測量選民對特定政黨不認同的態度,並與選民投票行為與「絕不投票支持某政黨」的行為相對照,實證結果顯示此一測量有很好的效度與信度。其次,本研究結合傳統的選民政黨認同與特定政黨不認同兩項觀察變數成為一個新的政黨認同變數,進一步觀察與解釋台灣選民對政黨的態度及其投票行為。電話調查結果顯示46.3%的台灣選民有絕對不會投票支持某一個政黨的行為,而新的政黨認同指標與選民的投票行為相當一致,在解釋台灣選民投票行為的分類與判斷方面不但正確,而且是一個相當具有說服力的指標。


According to The American Voter, party identification affects voter s ' attitudes, feelings, even the voting behavior towards political parties. In Taiwan, party identification indeed has fundamental effects on voters' voting behavior. But there is still something that can't be explained. This study found that negative identification against a specific party is also a crucial factor that affects voters' voting behavior. The negative attitude towards a specific party is a long-term, consistent attitude. And it is very hard to change. The study employed methods including in depth interviews, focus groups and telephone survey to investigate the issue. First, results from qualitative research indicated that three factors, namely, national identity, ethnic identity and party image are the roots of the voters' negative attitude toward a specific party. The study also developed a questionnaire to measure the negative attitudes toward a specific party of the voters in Taiwan, 46.3% of the survey respondents expressed that there was one or more than one parties they would have never voted for. We then combined the traditional party identification variable and the newly developed“which party that you will never vote for” variable into a new party identification indicator. Empirical studies using survey data showed that the new variable was good in both validity and reliability tests and was doing very well in explaining voters' voting behavior in Taiwan.


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