  • 學位論文

台灣企業在新南向政策拓銷策略與績效之研究 - 以印尼雅加達快閃店為例

A Study of Foreign Entry Strategy and Performance of Taiwanese Companies in New Southbound Policy - A Case Study of Pop-up Store in Indonesia Jakarta

指導教授 : 趙義隆


本文旨在探討台灣中小企業試圖拓銷海外的策略選擇,其中特別針對快閃店活動的策略去研究其是否能在進入海外市場時發揮槓桿的功效,本研究會利用階段性理論去辨別中小企業處於擴張階段的何處,並且利用動機理論和基礎資源理論,從他們過去的動機和經驗累積去辨別在其積累下,其動機選擇造就的不同策略,並且進一步去分析在此在商發院主導的雅加達快閃店活動中是否能夠為其造就正向的效益,本研究也會從其具有的資源出發,進一步研究其成本和效益,來作出研究的判斷。 台灣中小企業為了擴大利潤或者規模,往往會尋求海外市場的擴張,過往台灣中小曾經前往世界各地包括中國、歐、美國進行海外擴張,取得不錯的成績甚至落地生根,讓企業能夠前往海外擴大戰場,也帶來台灣整體 GDP 的增加,近年來台灣政府主導的新南向政策,就主推以國家力量輔助,試圖幫助台灣中小企業成功拓銷快速成長中的東南亞市場,希望能夠讓更多在台灣具有競爭優勢的中小企業,藉由政府合作的策略成功克服進跨國入障礙,在東南亞經濟成長之際,進入東南亞市場進行拓銷。 本研究主要會針對此次商發院主導的快閃店策略進行實務上的研究,有別於過往運用快閃店策略的案例,本研究有兩個不同點,第一點在於過去採取快閃店策略的多為時尚產業中的大企業,其規模較大,且本身具有較完整的品牌優勢,第二點在於此次商發院推出的快閃店策略也不同於以往典型的快閃店策略,而是針對台灣企業的情況作出最適化的調整,期望將不同台灣中小企業整合參展,發揮來源國效應和群聚效應的優勢。本文期望可以觀察其在實務操作上的細膩做法,作為台灣企業未來擴張海外新市場的借鏡與參考。


The purpose of this thesis is to contemplate strategic choices that Taiwanese small and medium enterprises (SMEs) have taken in their attempts to enter foreign markets. Specifically, the thesis will investigate whether the pop-up store strategy may benefit businesses with a multiplier effect upon entry into overseas markets. This study shall adopt the process thesis to determine expansion stage at which the SMEs currently are, and use motivation thesis, RBV and their past motives and accumulated experiences to identify the different strategies chosen by the SMEs. The next step is then to further analyze whether organizing pop-up store in Jakarta will bring positive utility to the Commerce Development Research Institute(CDRI). Finally, this thesis will consider the resources available to CDRI and look into the costs and benefits of the pop-up store to make a concluding judgement. In order to earn more profit or increase in size, Taiwanese SMEs would often seek to expand overseas into foreign markets. They were quite successful in many parts of the world, including China, Europe and United States, emerging as multinational enterprises and even contributing to GDP growth in Taiwan. The New Southbound Policy of recent years by Taiwanese government aims to help them gain rapid entries into, and successfully market their products in, the Southeast Asian markets. The goal is to allow more Taiwanese SMEs possessing competitive advantages to overcome cross-border market-entry obstacles and begin marketing our products by working together with the Taiwanese government as the Southeast Asian economy is set for sustained development. This thesis will mainly conduct practical research on pop-up store strategy led by the CDRI. In comparison to past cases involving pop-up store strategy, this study differs in two major points: firstly, past cases of businesses adopting pop-up store strategy almost always involve larger corporations in the fashion industry that, as a major advantage, own much more prominent brands; secondly, current pop-up store strategy formulated by the CDRI deviates from typical cases in past and is adjusted to best suit the needs of Taiwanese businesses with the hope that Taiwanese SMEs would cooperate and participate together in order to fully harvest the advantages of the Country-Of-Origin Effect and the clustering effect. This thesis hopes to observe the strategy’s delicate execution in its practical operations as a future reference and guideline for Taiwanese corporations wishing to expand into new overseas markets.


SMEs Foreign Export Development ARF Pop-up store


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