  • 學位論文


The Copyright Indirect Infringement Liability of Online Content Sharing Platforms—Focusing on Safe Harbor Rule and Monitoring Obligations—

指導教授 : 李素華


數位和網路技術等新興資訊傳播技術愈加成熟,徹底改變了人們學習、工作以及日常生活交往之思維模式和行為方式,同時給傳統傳媒產業予從所未有之顛覆性改革,給文化產業注入新的活力。著作數位化和網路傳播媒介相輔相成,語文、音樂、視聽等著作無形載體和傳播介質之改變給著作權法帶來衝擊,權利人利用重製權主導傳播權、重製物流通控制著作內容傳播的壟斷模式已經發生變化。著作數位化使得原本便備受追捧的網際網路一躍成為人們獲取新鮮資訊和文化成果的主流方式之一,開放自由的網路環境所產生之Web 2.0技術發展態勢與UGC內容生產模式反哺數位文化產業,培養和促進數位出版和受眾數位閱讀習慣。與此同時,數位和網路技術大大降低著作重製和傳播的成本,網路用戶能在短時間內利用智慧型手機、電腦等設備重製相同品質的內容並利用網路向其他用戶公開提供,而數量龐大的網路著作權侵權由此而生。 本文針對數位和網路技術背景以及主要討論對象網路內容分享平台業者展開分析,數位和網路技術所共同構建的網路虛擬空間與現實空間同樣具備被規制之必要性。新興資訊傳播科技之開放性和自由度帶來了「使用者生成內容」的嶄新內容生產模式,從而讓控制網路傳播管道的網路內容分享平台業者被推上話語權力再中心化的舞台,藉此平台業者的商業運營模式不斷更新,具體表現為積極引導用戶活動與通過廣告間接獲利。以實質非侵權用途為代表的科技中立思想自20世紀的Sony案起一直佔據著重要地位,而數年後法律對科技的態度有所變化,開始審慎考慮權利人的權益是否遭到過分貶損以及對新興資訊傳播科技嘗試予以規制。縱觀網路著作權與間接侵權責任制度的誕生歷史,著作權法承認著作權保護應當延及網路領域,並且認為包括網路內容分享平台業者在內的網路服務提供者需要對網路用戶的直接侵權行為承擔一定程度上的間接侵權責任。然而美國DMCA第512條避風港規範的出台打破了權利人保護範圍擴張的態勢,給予網路服務提供者在特定條件下免除侵權責任的優待,以換取新興資訊傳播科技的長足進步,而歐盟、日本、中國大陸和台灣均緊隨其後,紛紛參照美國立法例設置責任避風港。 自避風港規範誕生已有數十年,資訊傳播科技產業早已發生翻天覆地的變化,避風港規則的「通知—取下」機制等早已無法適應網路內容分享平台內侵權活動氾濫和重複侵權頻發的現實狀況,重複侵權終止條款、標準科技措施乃至紅旗原則、禁令救濟等在各國立法和司法實踐中成效參差不齊,在著作權保護上過於疲軟無力,網路內容分享平台業者在享受著侵權活動紅利的同時得以逃避積極干預和處置平台內侵權活動的作為義務,實屬不公。本文認為現行避風港規則需要被調整和改造,網路內容分享平台業者尤其是大型、強勢者應當被法律課與一定程度上的主動審查義務或適用較高注意義務,化被動為主動,或通過行業規範或平台自治的方式達成與權利人的合作共贏,一同打擊網路著作權侵權行為,保證著作權制度的誘因機制正常運作,實現創作激勵、集體智慧和平台經濟的三方共榮。


The increasing development of emerging information and communication technologies, such as digital technique and the Internet, has revolutionized the way of people thinking and behaving in study, work and daily interactions, and has created unprecedented disruptive changes in the traditional media industry, injecting new vitality into the cultural industries. The digitization of works and the internet influences each other, and the intangible carriers and the changes in medium of oral and literal, musical, audiovisual and other kinds of works have brought an impact to the Copyright Law. The monopoly model of copyright holders using reproduction rights to dominate distribution rights, or to control the distribution of contents through the distribution of reproductions, has changed. The digitization of works has made the Internet, which was already popular, become one of the mainstream ways for people to access new information and cultural achievements. The development of Web 2.0 technologies and the UGC content production model generated by the open and liberal online environment have developed the digital cultural industry, fostering and promoting digital publishing and people’s digital reading habits. At the same time, digital technique and the internet have greatly reduced the cost of reproducing and distributing works, enabling users to reproduce contents of the same quality as the original ones in a short time by devices such as smartphones and computers, make them publicly available to other users on the Internet, and finally arouse a huge number of online copyright infringement. This paper analyses the background of digital technique, the Internet and the online content sharing platform operators which are the main objects of discussions. The cyberspace created by digital technique and the Internet have the necessity to be ruled as well as the reality. The openness and freedom of the emerging information and communication technologies bring about a new content production model called “User-Generated-Content”, thus pushed the online content sharing platform operators, who control the online content distribution channels, to be the new center of discourse power. As a result, the business models of online content sharing platforms have evolved to actively guide user activities and indirectly profit from advertising. While the idea of technological neutrality, represented by the Substantial Non-infringing Uses Principle, has been prominent since the Sony case in the 20th century. The law has changed its attitude towards technologies over the years, beginning to consider carefully whether rights and interests of copyright holders have been unduly degraded and to attempt to regulate emerging information and communication technologies. Throughout the history of online copyright and indirect infringement liability, the Copyright Law has recognized that copyright protection should be extended to the online environment and internet service providers, including online content sharing platform operators, are liable to a certain extent for direct infringement by users. However, the introduction of Section 512 of DMCA in the USA broke the trend of expanding protection for copyright holders by granting ISPs an exemption from infringement liabilities under certain conditions in exchange for significant advances in emerging information and communication technologies. The EU, Japan, Mainland China and Taiwan took DMCA as a reference and set up their own Safe Harbor Rule. The “notice-and-takedown” system of Safe Harbor Rule has long failed to prevent the proliferation of copyright infringing activities in online content sharing platforms and the frequent occurrence of repetitive infringement. It is unfair that online content sharing platform operators avoid their obligations while enjoying the dividends of infringing activities, be irresponsible to actively intervene and deal with infringing activities on their platforms. This paper argues that Safe Harbor Rule should be adjusted and reformed, and the online content sharing platform operators, especially large and powerful ones, should be subject to a certain degree of monitoring obligations or a higher duty of care by the law, so as to turn their passivity into proactivity, or to achieve a win-win cooperation with copyrights holders through industry regulation or platform autonomy, to combat online copyright infringement together, which helps to ensure that the incentive mechanism of copyright system functions properly, and realize the tripartite prosperity of creative stimulation, collective wisdom and platform economy.


