  • 學位論文


Georgia's Ethnic Relationship:1990-2008

指導教授 : 高朗
共同指導教授 : 左正東


在喬治亞脫離蘇維埃社會主義共和國聯盟統治的民主化過程中,族群分離意識與地緣政治因素,導致一連串的族群衝突與分裂危機。而政治領袖的個人出身背景及大國戰略關係,也導致喬治亞族群政策的轉變。本論文旨在分析喬治亞的族群關係,以及政治領袖在地緣政治與大國外交上的選擇與傾向,進而對後冷戰時代的族群政治,提出個案分析與詮釋。 基於這樣的研究動機,本文將喬治亞衝突的面貌與影響因素分別討論。本文認為,在後冷戰時代直至2008年止,喬治亞的族群關係共經歷了四個階段。分別為緊張衝突期、衝突緩解期、衝突升溫期到戰爭期。影響各階段族群關係的轉變因素,主要有三個。分別為喬治亞因素、俄羅斯因素與國際因素。喬治亞因素方面,它的三任領導人,甘薩胡爾季亞、謝瓦納茲與薩卡希維利扮演相當重要的影響角色。同時,對喬治亞的國家建構過程,也存在相當的影響力。俄羅斯因素方面,俄羅斯的政治、經濟與境內分離意識皆影響它對喬治亞的態度。同時,該等地緣政治因素,也形成今日的喬治亞族群衝突。最後,國際因素方面,美國與俄羅斯仍以大國利益為優先考量,也說明了國際政治的現實與殘酷。 總結而言,本文有三大研究結果與學術貢獻。第一,喬治亞的族群衝突具有不可化約性。阿布哈茲人與南奧塞提人的族群起源不同於喬治亞人,而阿札爾人與喬治亞人血緣同源。因此,前者與喬治亞人的衝突無法化解,而後者可以。第二,喬治亞深受俄羅斯政治文化的影響。典型俄羅斯政治包括民粹主義、東正教與專制體制。而在喬治亞的政治環境中,典型的俄羅斯政治文化如影隨形。第三,俄羅斯干涉喬治亞族群衝突的動機,是防禦性大於攻擊性。對於俄羅斯而言,它更害怕的是,喬治亞恐成另一個伊朗、另一個恐怖主義的溫床、另一次的巴爾幹化。


After seceded from the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, Georgia underwent a series of ethnic conflicts and separatism crisis. The leaders’ backgrounds and the presidents’ strategic relations play an important role. Hence, this thesis is mainly concerned about Georgia’s ethnic relations in the post-cold war, and analyzes how Georgia’s location and the leaders’ decision making influence Georgia’s ethnic policies. Based on the above mentioned reflections and criticisms, this thesis tends to provide retrospectively historical events, and deduces the crucial factors which impact the ethnic relations. From 1990 to 2008, Georgia suffered four-staged racial relations, including the conflict period, the cooling-down period, the intensified period, and the war period. The influenced factors deal with Georgia itself, Russia and the international elements. When viewing Georgia, its leaders, Zviad Gamsakhurdia, Eduard Shevardnadze and Mikheil Saakashvili, dominate (d) Georgia’s ethnic affairs. It is the same to its national building process. Moreover, the inner factors in Russia, such as politics, economics and potential secessionism, are the predominant reasons which lead Russia to intervene Georgia’s racial relations. It, again, expounds how geopolitics is essential to international politics. Last, USA and Russia will take their national interests as the first concern if they decide to manage Georgia’s inner conflict. In general, this thesis contributes to three major academic findings. First, ethnic conflicts maintain irreducible complexity. The Abkhazian, the South Ossetian , and the Georgian derive from three distinguishing races whereas the Ajarian originate from the Georgian. It clarifies why the tense between the Georgian and the Ajarian had already alleviated. Secondly, Georgia’s politic culture is profoundly affected by the one of Russia which includes populism, the Orthodox Church, and autocracy. Thirdly, Russia does not intend to offend Georgia, but to defend itself mainly. What Russia fears mostly is that Georgia may become another Iran, another terrorists’ hotbed, and another Balkanization.


湯紹成,2008,<科索沃獨立建國之評析>,財團法人國家政策研究基金會,http://www.npf.org.tw/post/3/3959, 2012/05/11。
吳玉山,2009,<解釋俄羅斯的民主倒退>,《台灣民主季刊》,6(1): 199-205.


