  • 學位論文


The Influencing Factors of Income Distribution and Growth in Taiwan

指導教授 : 李顯峰


本文旨在研究臺灣地區的所得分配不均與經濟成長,應用1998年至2008年財政部財稅中心資料並結合各縣市與全國性因素形成之追蹤資料(Panel data),探討人力狀況與全球化潮流等因素對臺灣各縣市所得分配與經濟成長之影響。 本文實證結果發現各教育程度變數均與所得分配不均呈負相關,就業者教育程度提升有助於各縣市所得總額與五等份位法下各所得等份組所得之提升;人口增加會促進地方所得總額,擴大所得分配差距;人口老化對地方所得總額或是各所得組家戶所得均是正面的,且擴大所得分配差距但不顯著;實質資本的增加與金融深化對所得總額成長及各所得等份位組家戶所得成長均有正面貢獻,有助縮小所得分配差距;貿易對各縣市所得總額增加有正向效果但不顯著,且對低所得組家戶所得的提升有顯著正面影響,但對高所得組之家戶所得則有顯著負面影響,有利縮小所得分配差距並具顯著性;外人對台投資增加有助於各縣市所得總額增加,對各所得組家戶所得之影響亦為顯著的正向關係,有助縮小所得分配差距但不顯著;國人對外投資增加對於所得分配與各縣市所得總額增加在本文實證不具顯著效果,而對最低所得組與最高所得組有負面影響。另外,各職業別人口比率對所得分配之影響皆不具顯著性,其中工業就業人口增加有利於所得總額及各所得等份位組之家戶所得增加,而農業與服務業就業人口增加對所得總額及各所得等份位組之家戶所得變動之影響大致為負向。


This study investigates the influencing factors of the income inequality and economic growth in Taiwan cities and counties with the sample period from 1998 to 2008. The sample data are taken from the Finance Data Center in the Ministry of Finance, and five quintiles of household income are selected in the study. Our major findings are as follows. It shows that the relationship between each education level of employees and the income inequality is negative. The increase in the education level of employees is also contributive to increase the total income of the cities and counties and the average real household income of all quintiles. Increasing population promotes the local total income and enlarges the inequality of income distribution. Aging population brings a positive impact on local total income and the household income of all quintiles, it enlarges the income inequality but statistically insignificant. Increasing real capital and the financial deepening are positively related to the growth of local total income and the household income of all income quintiles that contributes to reduce the income inequality. Furthermore, international trade is positively related to the total income of cities and counties although it is not significant, and it has positive impact on the increase of low income quintiles, but has a significantly negative impact on the highest income quintile, that helps shorten the inequality gap. The increase of FDI inward helps increase the local total income, it also results in a positive impact on all income quintiles, that helps to reduce the inequality gap but insignificant. The increase of FDI outward is insignificant to the income inequality and total income of cities and counties. And it also has no impact on the middle income group, but has a negative impact on the lowest and the highest income quintiles. In addition, the population ratio of each occupation does not have a significant impact on the income distribution – raising in the industry employees ratio is in favor of increasing the local total income and the household income of all income quintiles, but raising in the agriculture and service employees ratio has negative impacts on the local total income and the household income of al income quintiles.


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