  • 學位論文


Streetlife amidst the City Museum: Negotiating Everyday Life and Representation Politics in Chifeng Street

指導教授 : 康旻杰


近年來,政府持續對臺北市內既有文史資產採取文化治理手段,以促成都市舊文化再生。官方爬梳臺北市的舊紋理,活化舊館舍、興辦文化創意街區、劃設城市博物館,藉著吸引更多商業進駐,以致街區成為文化展示的「容器」來帶動經濟發展。 本文所關注的中山-雙連街區由十年前的創意街區,乃至近年的無圍牆博物館論述,皆與地方產生巨大的矛盾感,反映當前不同行動者之間的再現政治。當生活空間成為博物館後,研究、收藏、歸檔、展示下的真實生活空間與再現的博物館空間界線更加模糊,但在這個真實生活的空間與博物館的再現空間中,各行動者又會面臨什麼認知衝擊與轉變?新進者、原居者的日常生活之間產生了何種協商與張力關係? 本文首先爬梳赤峰街區的實質環境,盤點至今被挪用、再現,而成現今的地景的元素。再者,以批判視角看待官方以文化帶動經濟,近期以城市博物館、無圍牆博物館為方法的策略。最後,在縉紳化、再現政治矛盾之下,冒著可能成為城市的遊牧族的人們,卻仍然前仆後繼地來到赤峰街,而這些懷抱著反叛精神的生活者,又如何找尋一個都市裏的縫隙,將此處作為想像與實踐的基地。


In recent years, the government has continued to adopt cultural governance for the existing cultural and historical heritage in Taipei, to promote the regeneration of historical districts. The government even revitalized historical buildings, established cultural districts and city museums, so that the districts became the "container" for exhibition and in fact meant for boosting economic development. The site named Zhongshan-Shuanglian district where I focus on, especially Chifeng district, has been eye-catching since ten years ago. When the Chifeng district was planned to be “cultural and creative district” and then to be “eco museum”, there was a huge sense of contradiction which reflected the current representation politics among different actors. While the real-life space became a new space for museum, the boundary between everyday life and displayed space would be more blurred. During this situation, what cognitive shocks and changes did actors face? And what kinds of negotiation and conflict between the newcomers and original residents had occurred? In this study, firstly I summarized the physical environment of Chifeng district, and counted the elements that have been appropriated and represented so far to form the current landscape. Secondly, through the critical perspective, I reviewed official measures, including strategies of cultural industries, and ways of using “museum” as a method. Finally, under the contradictions of gentrification and representation politics, newcomers in Chifeng district like artists, designers, shopkeepers and so on may become the nomads in the city. Therefore, I would like to know why there are still new followers and venturers coming to Chifeng district one after another, and how do these people with spirit of rebellion find a small crack in the city, and even see this place as a base for practicing and resisting.


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Ben Highmore (2005)《日常生活與文化理論》(周群英譯),臺北:韋伯文化。
Castells, Manuel (2000)《網絡社會之崛起》(夏鑄九、王志弘等譯),臺北:唐山。
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Charles, Landry(2012)《創意臺北,勢在必行》。臺北:臺北市都市更新處。
