  • 學位論文


Applied Text Mining Techniques for Constructing Knowledge Map of Traveling Disputes

指導教授 : 王銘宗
共同指導教授 : 蔡智勇(Chih-Yung Tsai)


隨著知識經濟的蓬勃,如何善用資訊產生知識儼然成為企業持續成長的關鍵利基。因此,如何有效保存與傳遞知識向來為知識管理領域的所探討的關鍵議題。依據知識的能見度可將知識分為顯性知識與隱性知識,隱性知識是經由潛意識瞭解及應用且難以傳達,往往直接由經驗和行動發展而成,並且透過高度互動來溝通、講述、和分享經驗,以達到傳達與分享的效果,而顯性知識則是能夠被編碼和儲存,而且較易於傳達與溝通。 觀光事業是一種綜合性的服務產業,而旅行業更為觀光事業之核心,由於旅行業所提供之旅遊服務產品本質上具無形性,因此與顧客接觸之第一線服務人員成為建立顧客滿意度的關鍵要角,對旅行業而言,與顧客直接接觸的服務人員有領隊、導遊、業務人員及事務洽辦人員,前兩者由於必須與顧客維持較密切的互動接觸,對顧客的服務態度更是顯得極其重要。 由於領隊與導遊的有著寶貴的經驗及智慧,因此這些知識通常存在於個人或透過動態、非結構化且通常細緻的程序累積在組織中,並不易透過正式訓練程序或資訊系統來傳播。因此本研究採用文件向量法、文件分群及知識地圖等,將領隊導遊的寶貴的經驗及智慧轉化為易於理解的視覺化呈現,輔助整理、組織及分享傳承這些旅遊前輩智者的經驗與知識。


Nowadays, as the generation of knowledge economic rising, the utilization of knowledge retrieved from information becomes a niche for enterprises’ growth. Accordingly, how to effectively preserve and spread the knowledge has always been a critical issue in the field of knowledge management. The knowledge visibility can be divided into explicit knowledge and tacit knowledge, and the tacit knowledge is understanding and utilizing through subconscious. It’s hard to tell by semantic transmission, but often developed by experience and actions. While the explicit knowledge can be encoded, preserved, and easily transferred. An excellent travel guide or travel leader always possesses precious wisdom and practical experience. The knowledge usually be hold by his/her own, or accumulated in the organization through a dynamic, unstructured, and delicate procedure. Tourism and Leisure Industry is a comprehensive enterprise, while the travel agency plays a critical role among the industry. Due to the intangibility nature of products in tourism industry, the person who provides the service for customers may heavily influencing customer satisfactions. In tourism industry, “tour leader”, ”tour guide”, “salesman”, and “operational staff” are the people who served as the forefront. Especially for “tour leaders” and “tour guides”, their interactions with customers are more frequent and closer. As a result, their professional service attitude is extremely important. For the motivation of broadcasting, sharing, and archiving the precious experience and knowledge gained from the elders in tourism industry. This study adopts document clustering methods, social network analysis, and knowledge map as to make the precious knowledge easily understandable by the knowledge map.


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