  • 學位論文


The Binding Force of Administrative Act on Administrative Agency and Administrative Court: with the Factual Effect of Administrative Act Covered

指導教授 : 李建良


行政處分制度向來作為我國行政作用法的研究核心,但是行政處分拘束效力相關的問題,我國一直欠缺深入的研究,特別在行政處分是否會對「非作成處分之行政機關」或是「非以該處分作為程序標的之法院」於後程序決定時,產生拘束的問題,現今多數學者多引用德國法上行政處分「構成要件效力」的概念,認為行政機關與法院必須受到拘束,但所持的理據和適用標準,卻含糊不明,使得此一概念實際案例上的操作,發生不少困難。 本文即以此作為核心問題,透過引介對此問題已長久討論的德國法學說,分析行政處分對前述兩者發生拘束的可能理由。本文最後認為,行政處分係作成處分機關,針對所轄行政事務行使管轄權限之結果,因此,為追求行政機關能夠完整實踐依據自身專業領域所分配之權限內容;同時為確保行政權行使內容的一致性,由具有壟斷性管轄權限之機關所作成的行政處分,對於不具管轄權之其他行政機關,即應具有拘束效力,除非處分無效或發生處分受到廢棄、效力解消等事由,否則即須以處分內容作為當然之基礎,作成決定。 行政處分對法院部分,本文集中探討行政處分對於行政法院的相關問題,認為行政處分於法安定性原則下,如已發生不可爭力,行政法院即不得對處分之合法性為附帶審查,而須受到拘束。但此基於法安定性而生的拘束,必須已經提供充足程序保障作為前提,從而可推測已接近客觀正確的法律正當狀態。此一程序保障前提,原則上雖已透過行政程序法的相關規定加以實踐,但仍可能有處分救濟期間人民不具救濟期待可能性的情形,例外使得處分不具此拘束效力,從而無法阻礙行政法院以附帶審查方式對處分合法性進行審理。


Administrative act has been the core issue of administrative law in Taiwan for a long time. But the binding effect of Administrative act still not be fully researched, especially on the question, weather administrative act will bind the administrative agent, who did not render an it, and the administrative courts, who only recognized it as prerequisite question, or not. To answer this question, the major part of administrative law scholars in Taiwan use the conception of “the factual effect of Administrative act”, said in this situation the administrative act will bind administrative agent and courts. However, they did not give enough demonstration, therefore it could not be precisely used in truly case. This thesis attempts to clarify this question, by introduction of the debate form German scholars, and try to find the reason why in above situation administrative act will bind administrative agent and courts. In conclusion, unless administrative act are void, withdrawn or annulled or is made ineffective by any other reason, it will bind administrative agent, in order to make sure the competence of each agent, which be set for the objective to specialize the work of agent, can be fully accomplished. Consider the stability of law, when the administrative act could not be remedied by normal statutory way, administrative act will also bind the administrative courts, forbidding the trial on the legitimacy of administrative act. However, this binding effect of administrative act only effect under the premise that the county has already practiced procedural due process and the individual have the possibility of pursuing a lawsuit. Because only in this situation, we can believe that the interest of legitimacy has already been guaranteed, so interest of the stability of law is more important.




魯忠翰(2016)。競爭者訴訟之研究 以經濟行政法上之補貼為例〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU201603503
