  • 學位論文


Using WASP water quality model and GIS technology to explore water quality changes in the freshwater river basin: a case study of Xin Dian Xi

指導教授 : 駱尚廉


隨著綠色發展與全球一體化進程日益深入人心,環境問題也愈發引起人們的注意。其中,由於經濟發展與在地基礎建設無法時時匹配,所導致雨污管道、排洪管道的不完善,引發河川污染。危及水環境與水生態系統的平衡,迫使水環境質量惡化、生態破壞、水資源匱乏。因此對於水體污染追蹤與水體污染預測,對管理者針對性改善重點河道污染有著重要意義。 本文以淡水河新店溪流域為研究對象,利用WASP水質模型,以行政院環保署全國環境水質監測資訊網之河川水質歷史資料為依據,並參攷淡水河新店溪5個水質監測點的相關資料,參照108年版環境白皮書,台灣放流水標準、選取淡水河新店溪流域2015-2019年的監測數據對淡水河新店溪流域水質進行研究。並利用GIS技術,使得預測結果更為可視化。 結果發現,淡水河新店溪流域在經過預測後,DO與BOD5的預測結果較優,SS和NH3-N受降雨和地下管道排水的衝擊較大,預測結果不穩定。新店溪華江大橋、中正橋與華中大橋段水質波動較大,城市管道排污水量多,可從此段流域中進行流域水質提升改造計劃。


淡水河 新店溪 WASP模型 GIS


As the process of green development and global integration has become more and more popular, environmental issues have also attracted more and more attention. Among them, due to the inability to match economic development and local infrastructure construction from time to time, resulting in imperfect rain and sewage pipelines, flood drainage pipelines, causing river pollution. The balance between the water environment and the water ecosystem is endangered, forcing the deterioration of water environment quality, ecological destruction, and lack of water resources. Therefore, it is of great significance for water pollution tracking and water pollution prediction for managers to improve key river pollution. This article takes the Danshui River Xindian River Basin as the research object, uses the WASP water quality model, based on the historical data of river water quality of the National Environmental Water Quality Monitoring Information Network of the Environmental Protection Agency of the Executive Yuan, and refers to the relevant data of the 5 water quality monitoring points of the Danshui River Xindian River. Refer to the 108 edition of the environmental white paper, Taiwan’s discharge water standards, select the Danshui River Xindian River Basin monitoring data from 2015 to 2019 for the Danshui River Research on the water quality of Xindianxi watershed. And use GIS technology to make the prediction results more visual. It was found that after the prediction of the Danshui River Xindianxi watershed, the prediction results of DO and BOD5 were better. SS and NH3-N were greatly impacted by rainfall and underground pipeline drainage, and the prediction results were unstable. The water quality of the Xindianxi Huajiang Bridge and Huazhong Bridge sections fluctuates greatly, and the amount of sewage discharged from urban pipelines is large. From this section of the basin, watershed water quality improvement and reconstruction plans can be carried out.


Danshui River Xindian Creek WASP model GIS


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