  • 學位論文


Taking the Heart as a Mirror: A Philosophical Analysis of “Nonbeing(wu)” in Wang Longxi’s Philosophy

指導教授 : 陳志強


在中國哲學的思想傳統中,對於鏡喻的運用非常豐富,其用意亦各有千秋。筆者認為,王龍溪的良知鏡喻說,體現了良知在具體的道德判斷中能夠同時保住明辨是非與無是無非這兩重面向。因此,本文試圖通過釐清王龍溪的良知學中對於鏡喻的運用,突出其良知雖「明辨是非」、但更重「無是無非」的學說特性。 其次,良知鏡喻說所關涉的是道德判斷與實踐的問題。因此,本文繼而通過將良知鏡喻論所體現的無是無非與莊子的無是無非、無心於是非;以及情境主義以情境而非以德性為轉移的理論、道德普遍主義與特殊主義的理論進行比較分析,從而分辨在良知學的基礎上,以鏡喻心是如何進行道德是非的判斷與實踐的,以及境遇(situation)、行為對象在道德判斷中起了何種作用。 是非的判斷與實踐是日常生活的重要問題,若未能釐清,一方面可能面對道德情境而不知何為是非,而陷入人云亦云或失去判準的險境;另一方面,則可能因世間各是其所是、非其所非的混雜亂狀而無所適從。那麼,針對這樣的問題,龍溪的良知學通過以鏡喻心的學說特性可以一方面幫助實踐主體在面對具體道德情境時,有更清楚的判準以及更無礙的實踐力;另一方面又不執著於為善,通過道德修養達到為善去惡而自然、從心所欲而不踰矩的境界。


In the traditional theories of Chinese Philosophy, there is a great variety in the usage about the metaphor of the mirror /heart-mirroring, each of which was distinguished by its own merits. The author holds the idea that the metaphor of mirror in the theory of moral knowledge embodies that Xin-ti retains the dual nature of both making a clear distinction between rightness and wrongness, and being no diction between right and wrong while one makes a moral judgement. It follows from that, this paper tries to clarify the usage of the metaphor of mirror in the philosophy of Wang Yang-ming, and with extra focus on the theory of one of his most important student, Wang Long-xi. Meanwhile, this paper will also highlight the theoretical characteristic of Long-xi’s idea of moral knowledge – the nature of Knowing the distinction between rightness and wrongness, but transcending the distinction and do not hold on to it. Secondly, the theory of Metaphor of the mirror in moral knowledge concerns the matter of moral judgement and moral practice. Thereby, this paper furthers on the theoretical analysis and comparison between transcending the distinction between right and wrong, which was embodied in Metaphor of mirror in the theory of moral knowledge and Zhuangzi. In addition, this paper will analyze and compare the theory of situational ethics, which takes its center on situation instead of morality; and also the ethics of difference, which is an ethics between moral generalism and moral particularism; thus clarifying the way how to take the heart as the mirror and how taking-the-heart-as-the-mirror makes the judgement between rightness and wrongness; also clarifying the role situation factors and patients play in the moral judgement on the basis of theory of moral knowledge. Making the judgement between rightness and wrongness is of vital significance in our daily life, the failure of which, on the one hand, will result in the chaos of the world with each group has its own standard and judgement about what is right and what is wrong; on the other hand, will end up in a dangerous situation in which one has no idea about how to make a judgement when confronted with moral situation, thus he might lose the ability to make the right judgement and follow the herd. Therefore, Long-xi’s theory of moral knowledge can be of great help to people to make a clear judgement and have a greater certainty when facing moral situation by the way of taking the heart as the mirror.


一、 原始文獻
