  • 學位論文


The Production/Marketing Field and Capital Formation of Social Enterprise: A Case Study of “Taiwan Blue Magpie Tea”

指導教授 : 曾明遜
共同指導教授 : 王志弘(Chih-Hung Wang)


本文以Bourdieu的場域論述,分析「臺灣藍鵲茶」社會企業在坪林生產場域與商業銷售場域的社會實踐歷程,並探討社會企業在資本成形的過程中,何以賣得動農產品。 首先在文獻回顧部分,我們發現北臺灣的開發史,包種茶因著歷史上的事件而落腳於坪林,加上早期農耕、運輸系統與水庫興建等公共建設,而建構出今日的茶鄉。此外,亦是歷史上的兩次正當性事件的爭奪,以及日治時期的知識性文化資本累積,包種茶才得以成為坪林的地方識別品牌,此一過程同時也是社會企業藉以將包種茶,作為北部茶業文化地景的正當性論述。 接著,本文再把國外社會企業的來龍去脈爬梳,也把臺灣現今的社會企業現況作說明,同時鎖定農業形態的社會企業面對的兩種場域─農業生產場域與商業銷售場域─作深入的分析。特別從象徵鬥爭的場域中,呼應Bourdieu的實踐課題。其中包括社會企業面對生產場域在「農藝復興論述」與「生存優先論述」之間的游移,以及在銷售場域「社會理念」與「商業運作」的雙重底線狀況;最後則引出社會企業在面對象徵鬥爭中的宰制與被宰制的應然面與實然面的課題。 本問在實證研究分析部分,說明社會企業如何以茶作為載體,面對生產場域的合縱連橫,以及表述社會企業在銷售場域的宰制與被宰制情況下,何以將產品售出。最後,本文提出Bourdieu象徵鬥爭的可能轉向與交織,作為研究的結尾。 本文認為品牌是社會企業手中握有的武器,能動者所引發的正當性論述爭奪,正在坪林農業生產場域與商業銷售場域中展開。主要論旨有兩個層次,第一個層次是以Bourdieu象徵鬥爭的觀點,探討社會企業在宰制與被宰制的過程中,何以層層突圍產出及售出有機茶品;另一個層次,則是藉此探究Bourdieu象徵鬥爭的實證分析,來回應象徵鬥爭本體論的課題。


社會企業 品牌 坪林 生產場域 銷售場域 資本形成


This paper which analyzes the social practice process of Taiwan Bluemagpie Tea in production and sales field based on Bourdieu's Field Theory. And the paper also discusses how could social enterprises do capital formation to sell agricultural products. In the literature review part, we discover the development history of Northern Taiwan, showing that Baochong Tea settled in Pinglin due to historical events, and public constructions such as early farming, transportation system, and reservoir construction shaped today's Tea Village. The historical context of Baochong tea that illustrate the twice symbolic struggles and the cultural capital accumulation of knowledge made Baochong tea become a local identification brand. In addition to the search for historical context, this paper also organizes relevant literature on social enterprises. After combing the history of foreign social enterprises, the article also explains the current situation of social enterprises in Taiwan. We also conducted an in-depth analysis around two areas facing agri-social enterprises - agricultural production and commercial sales. Especially from the field of symbolic struggle, it echoes Bourdieu's practical issues. Among them, ecological agriculture social enterprises face the the production field moves between "agro-renaissance" and "survivalism", and the sales field faces the domination of symbols and tastes. The third chapter explains how the ecological agricultural social enterprises uses tea as a carrier to face the cooperation and struggle in the production field. The fourth chapter describes the “dominate” and “being dominated” of the ecological agricultural social enterprises in the sales field. Finally, the paper concludes the research by proposing the transformation and interweaving of Bourdieu's Field Theory.


王俐容(2005)〈文化政策中的經濟論述:從菁英文化到文化經濟?〉《文化研究》,1: 169-195。
