  • 學位論文


An Analysis of the Role and Participation of Small Island States in International Climate Negotiations

指導教授 : 林子倫


全球暖化與氣候變遷為本世紀人類所要面臨的重大挑戰,從1979年第一屆世界氣候變遷會議(WCC)至今國際氣候談判已受到各方高度的關注。國際氣候談判本身為國際多方談判,因為談判參與者眾多、談判議題範圍廣、牽涉到許多其他議題、並且有賴於科學證據的輔佐…等特性,造成過程與策略的複雜性。而參與談判的各國因為立場與目標的不同,使得達成共識促成合作的過程變的更加複雜,各國之間更難以達成共識。在各國家當中,受氣候影響最大的莫過於小島嶼國家以及低窪的海岸國家。據聯合國統計,全世界共有51個小島嶼開發中國家(Small Island Developing States, SIDS)與地區,這些國家加起來的溫室氣體排放不到全球的0.1%,但卻面臨氣候變化最劇烈的衝擊,威脅到最根本的安全及生存。這些島嶼國家本身權力弱小以及資源稀少,在國際談判上容易被邊緣化,要影響國際政策十分困難,如何在國際中發聲,並進一步影響國際氣候政策,為小島嶼國家的重大挑戰。過去研究談判多為雙邊談判,多邊談判是談判理論中發展較慢的領域,本文從多方談判的角度,分析在本身權力弱小、容易被邊緣化的小島嶼國家,如何在國際談判中參與以及影響國際建制,用以觀察小國如何在氣候變遷談判上發揮作用,與大國抗衡以及合作,捍衛自己本身的環境安全。本文將從國際氣候談判的背景脈絡下,分析小島嶼國家的共同特性、談判過程、參與談判的方式,以及分析小島嶼國家從1987-2005年間在國際氣候談判下參與方式與所扮演的角色。 首先回顧國際談判理論與其相關研究,整理歸納出國際談判研究的重要發展、談判的構成要件與分析談判的影響因素。接著,回顧國際氣候談判的相關研究,以了解在氣候談判中影響談判的重要議題與因素,最後,作者找出近年來國際間對於小島嶼國家氣候談判的相關研究,包含了科學性的分析、調適行動研究、以及小島嶼國家氣候談判的相關研究。 在第三章中,本文從國際氣候談判的背景分析,整理出全球氣候談判的主要歷史脈絡與重要建制,並且從中歸納出國際氣候談判的主要五點特性:國際多邊談判、以科學研究為基礎、議題連結與議題去階級化、公平性與正義為爭議焦點、以發展合作為核心。 在第四章中,分析小島嶼國家的性質,介紹小島嶼國家在多方談判中的結盟:「小島嶼國家聯盟」(AOSIS),並整理歸納小島連盟談判的主要訴求和原則。最後從國際氣候談判的特性來分析小島嶼國家的策略運用。 第五章為本論文的研究重點,為小島嶼國家談判過程與談判論述的分析。在談判過程中,學生將談判過程分為三個階段:談判前置期、方案形成期、細節階段期,根據階段性任務的不同分析各階段小島嶼國家的各類行動與成果。在談判論述中,學生整理出了四個小島嶼國家最主要的談判論述,分別為:以科學研究為依據、將氣候議題從新框架、強調公平性與正義、訴諸人權與道德。 第六章的結論為本文的研究發現,整理分析出小島嶼國家在國際氣候談判下所面臨的困難與挑戰、所使用的參與方式、所倡議的談判論述以及在當中所扮演的角色。最後提出對於小島嶼國家在氣候談判中的未來展望。


Global climate change is a crisis that emerged in the 20th century, and rising temperatures are causing abnormal phenomena. Heat waves, hurricanes and other catastrophes are rapidly changing and threatening human life. Global environmental problems pose significant diplomatic and legal challenges to the international community, the nature of these problems requires an unprecedented degree of international cooperation achieved through multilateral negotiation, but multilateral negotiation is a very complicated process and often fails to reach a consensus. An understanding of multilateral negotiation requires the consideration of many factors which might affect the process and the results of negotiation, such as numbers of participants, the wide range of actors and interest and the complexity of the issues. Furthermore, scientific uncertainty makes the negotiation of climate change more difficult. The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), which was signed by some 153 countries in 1992, and Kyoto Protocol, which was signed in 1997, are two of the most important regime of climate change negotiation. For many small island states, climate change is an urgent problem that threatens their very survival; and goes directly to the roots of sustainability. According to United Nation (U.N.), there are 51 small island developing states and regions (SIDs) in the world; for these kind of low lying states, not only will their social-economic viability be compromised, but also the risks from sea level rise threaten their physical existence, as they would very easily be inundated by sea levels in excess of one meter above current levels. Because of their weak diplomatic power and scarce resources, these small island states are vulnerable to marginalization in international negotiations, and it’s difficult for them to influence the international policies. The threat of climate change has motivated 43 lowland and small island states to align themselves into the Alliance of the Small Island States(AOSIS), and the delegates of AOSIS have actively participated in international climate change conferences and informal sessions. The motive of this project is to find out how the small island states participated in international climate change conferences and negotiations from 1987 to 2005, and what kind of roles they played in the process. This thesis uses multilateral negotiation thesis to characterize, develop, and analyze the negotiation process and negotiation agreements. By analyzing the difficulties and challenges which the AOSIS face, the ways they participate, the issues and agreements they propose and the roles they play to know how relatively weaker states or alliances can be able to confront another party hat is militarily or economically more powerful to reach its objectives and how they impact the climate regimes.


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