  • 學位論文


The Political Economy of the Revisions in the Organic Law of the Executive Yuan,1987-2013

指導教授 : 蕭全政


本研究係以政治經濟分析為基礎,以我國行政組織改造為個案分析,並探討外國政府改造和臺灣省政府組織重組經驗。面對全球化經濟的競爭壓力,各國業已積極進行其政府在功能性與結構性的雙重調整,以回應民眾及國際社會對政府施政的期許與挑戰。與我國鄰近日本、韓國和OECD國家均曾因應社會變革及民眾期待數度調整其組織,惟大幅度的縮減組織架構,應有進一步深入研究以作為我國組織改造之借鏡。 本文依三個階段分析行政院的組織改造。首先,在解嚴之後,行政院的組織改造反映民間社會和立法部門的迅速擴張,故不僅看到他們積極提出各種改革方案,亦促使政府在完成行政院的整體改革布局之前,又增生各種反應民間要求的部會層級組織。另外,在強調全球化與本土化的階段,朝野的紛爭導致國家發展會議的召開,也分別促成政府再造與政府改造運動的推動;而且,最後,在馬總統強調「撥亂反正」的民國99年初,通過「行政院組織法」的修正,並初步完成「小而能」政府的改造。 我國之《行政院組織法》其立法宗旨,係為規範我國中央行政機關的組織結構、職能分工和運作方式,以上承統治權威,下接各層次的統治功能,而整合國家政治體制與國民經濟、社會、文化發展,並維繫國家機關與民間社會在內外政經挑戰中的動態發展。行政院法定組織誕生後,歷經國共內戰與國民政府播遷來臺、國際局勢與外交環境的險惡多變、國內民主化過程的抗爭、兩次政黨輪替等等變局。遇有新生事務或社會需求之際,常未經通盤功能業務調適或規劃,多數即依據行政院組織法第6條規定:「行政院經行政院會議及立法院之議決,得增設、裁併各部、各委員會,或其他所屬機關。」導致歷經31次組織變革過程,產生現有行政院組織擁有二級機關37個的龐大國家治理機關的組織架構。


In view of the reorganization of the Executive Yuan in A.D. 1976~ 2013 around the Political Alternation, Feeling the pressure of the global economic crisis, the Taiwanese government will eventually have to reinforce its governance capacity and make administrative operations more effective in order to cope with various challenges. The Executive Yuan has actively sought opinions from all sectors, as well as conducted seminars and public hearings on different issues to reexamine systems and regulations in the hope of reforming government structure, improving the efficiency and quality of government services, and increasing Taiwan’s competitiveness. This time, the structural reform is focused on building a streamlined, flexible and effective government. Therefore, this study will also extend to cover the legislative procedures of act modification.As the object which “the Amending Bill of Executive Yuan Constitution Law” is, this research intends to discuss the core issue of “Why the amending procedure of the Executive Yuan Constitution Law always being interrupted and never succeed as anticipation” and attempts to figure out the reasons and causalities.After the martial law was lifted and before the direct presidential election was held, the trends of political democratization, economic liberalization and social diversification conferred by the internally and externally political and economic situation led the government to push forward reforms. Comparing two political turnovers since 2000, there are different political and economic challenges which demanded the governments with higher efficiency. Since launching in 1987, organic modification of the Executive Yuan has spanned over two decades, and yet no changes have been made in the existing basic framework. The best solution for the oversized administrative body is to reevaluate the functions of the 37 ministries and councils as well as nearly 700 other agencies (organizations) under the Executive Yuan and adjust or merge some of these offices to streamline the Executive Yuan. The core government functions will be retained and strengthened, while new ministries or councils may be created to meet new demands. Along with the overall streamlining, government human resources will also be placed under closer supervision.Finally, based on the February 2010 draft amendments sent by the Executive Yuan to the Legislative Yuan, this paper aims to explore the most appropriate framework suitable for the current cabinet organization.That can be used to present a direction in policy recommendations that may poise to offer certain help in the Executive Yuan’s promoting organizational reengineering.




