  • 學位論文


Sustainability of Social Entrepreneurship: Boosting Engagement in and Support for Social Enterprises

指導教授 : 梁朝雲


社會企業是透過商業方法來解決社會問題的一種新興方式。在最近十年之間,社會企業成為改善和解決社會問題的一種具有吸引力的手法,並獲得了越來越多的關注。由於社會企業的營運仍有不少困難和障礙,尋找出促進大眾參與以支持社會企業的影響因素,對於實現社會企業的永續發展至關重要。因此,本研究評估了大眾對社會企業的創業意圖和社會企業產品的購買意願(purchase intention)與願付價格(willingness to pay a premium),尤其是解決農業和環境問題的社會企業。本研究提出兩組會影響社會企業永續性的指標,包括創立社會企業和購買社會企業產品的意願。因此,本研究測試了兩個概念模型。 第一個模型旨在瞭解社會企業創業意圖的決定因素。研究者除了參考過去基於創業行動模式(entrepreneurial event model)或計劃行為理論(theory of planned behaviour)之企業創業意圖研究,也同時考慮社會認知生涯理論(social cognitive career theory)來豐富基礎學理。本研究測試處理社會問題的過往經驗(prior experience with social problems),透過同理心(empathy)、自我效能(self-efficacy)、社會支持(social support),和永續發展導向(sustainability orientation)的中介,對社會企業創業意圖(social entrepreneurial intention)和社企創業預期成果(outcome expectations of social entrepreneurship)的影響。此外,本研究也測試了外在報酬(extrinsic reward)在社企創業預期成果與社企創業意圖之間潛在的調節效果。 第二個模型旨在瞭解社會企業產品的購買意願和願付價格的決定因素。研究者參考社會行銷(social marketing)和資源基礎觀點(resource-based view)的文獻,認定堅持社會使命(adherence to social missions)和知覺企業社會責任(perceived corporate social responsibility)對於建立良好的企業聲譽(corporate reputation)和組織群眾關係(relational outcomes)至關重要,因為這些變項有助於提高購買意願和願付價格。另外,本研究也提出了永續發展導向(sustainability oriented)對企業聲譽和組織群眾關係與願付價格之間,具有潛在的調節效果。 為了測試這兩個複雜的模型,本研究採用量化研究方法,並使用結構方程模型進行分析。本研究針對臺灣居民,並以網路問卷收集調查數據。本研究之有效樣本為1,010份,而其中有一半以上的樣本具有與農業相關之身份。為了瞭解農產品的購買意願,本研究選擇了三間農業社會企業(生態綠、直接跟農夫買,和鮮乳坊),來評估大眾對這些企業的看法。收集資料完成後,本研究利用SPSS和Amos的統計軟體進行進一步的統計分析。 社會企業創業意圖模型之研究結果顯示,處理社會問題的過往經驗對同理心、自我效能、社會支持、永續發展導向,和社會企業創業意圖都有正向影響。另外,自我效能也會正向影響社企創業預期成果和社會企業創業意圖;社會支持對社會企業創業意圖有正向影響;而永續發展導向對社企創業預期成果具有正向影響,但對社會企業創業意圖卻具有負向影響。然而,同理心對社企創業預期成果和社會企業創業意圖都沒有顯著的影響。同時,外在報酬對社企創業預期成果與社會企業創業意圖之間的關係,也沒有發現顯著的調節效果。 社企產品購買意願模型之研究結果顯示,知覺企業社會責任對於企業聲譽有正向影響,而堅持社會使命則對組織群眾關係和企業聲譽則皆有正向的影響。此外,組織群眾關係只會對願付價格產生正向的影響,而企業聲譽則僅會對購買意願產生正向的影響。本研究也發現,永續發展導向對組織群眾關係與願付價格之間具有正向調節的效果;亦即,更重視永續發展導向的民眾,在組織群眾關係對願付價格的正向影響會更大。 本研究另進行了一些衍生性的分析。首先,本研究發現,永續發展導向對社企創業預期成果與社會企業創業意圖之間的關係,具有正向的調節效果。其次,研究者將具農業身份的受調者和不具農業身份的受調者進行分組,其模型分析結果顯示,知覺企業社會責任對於企業聲譽的正向影響僅在具農業身份的受調者中達到顯著效果,而堅持社會使命對企業聲譽的正向影響僅在不具農業身份的受調者中達到顯著。再者,本研究亦測試了購買意願和社企創業意圖的潛在關聯性,結果顯示社企創業預期成果對社企產品之購買意願、願付價格,和社會企業創業意圖均有正向的影響,而願付價格對社會企業創業意圖具有正向的影響。


Social entrepreneurship, an emerging way in dealing with social problems through adopting business tools, has become an attractive means of bettering society and have gained more attention in recent decades. Because of certain obstacles faced by social enterprises, essential factors fostering engagement in and support for social entrepreneurship are vital to achieve social entrepreneurship sustainability. Consequently, this study evaluates public perceptions on social entrepreneurship and social enterprises, especially in the context of agricultural and environmental sectors. This study identifies two sets of criteria for sustainability of social entrepreneurship, including intention to establish a social enterprise, and intention to purchase social enterprises’ products. Therefore, two conceptual models are tested. The first model evaluates the determinants of social entrepreneurial intention. Referring to the social entrepreneurial intention models in prior studies which are based on the entrepreneurial event model and the theory of planned behaviour, the present study enriches existing literature through taking account of the social cognitive career theory. The present study investigates the effect of prior experience with social problems on outcome expectations of social entrepreneurship and social entrepreneurial intention through the mediation of empathy, self-efficacy, perceived social support, and sustainability orientation. In addition, the moderation of extrinsic reward on the relationship between outcome expectations of social entrepreneurship and social entrepreneurial intention is proposed. The second model evaluates the determinants of purchase intention and willingness to pay a premium for social enterprises’ products. Referring to literature on social marketing and resource-based view of the firm, the present study proposes that adherence to social missions and perceived corporate social responsibility is critical in developing favourable perceived corporate reputation and relational outcomes, which subsequently foster purchase intention and willingness to pay a premium of social enterprises’ products. The moderation of sustainability orientation on the effects of perceived corporate reputation and relational outcomes on willingness to pay a premium are also proposed. In order to evaluate these two complex models, the quantitative research method with the use of structural equation modelling is adopted. The present study targets on the residents in Taiwan by using web-based surveys for data collection, with above half of the sample possessed an agricultural identity. In order to evaluate purchase intention, three agricultural social enterprises (Okogreen, Buy Directly From Farmers, and PUREMILK) are chosen to evaluate public perceptions on these ventures. Eventually, this study has collected 1,010 valid responses, which are further analysed in statistical software including SPSS and Amos. Results of the social entrepreneurial intention model indicate that prior experience with social problems positively influences empathy, social entrepreneurial self-efficacy, perceived social support, sustainability orientation, and social entrepreneurial intention. Social entrepreneurial self-efficacy positively influences outcome expectations with social entrepreneurship and social entrepreneurial intention; perceived social support positively influences social entrepreneurial intention; and sustainability orientation positively influences outcome expectations of social entrepreneurship, but negatively influences social entrepreneurial intention. However, empathy has no significant effects on outcome expectations with social entrepreneurship and social entrepreneurial intention. The moderation effect of extrinsic reward on the relationship between outcome expectations with social entrepreneurship and social entrepreneurial intention is also insignificant. Results of the purchase intention model indicate that perceived corporate social responsibility positively influences perceived corporate reputation, whereas adherence to social missions positively influences both relational outcomes and perceived corporate reputation. In addition, relational outcomes positively influence willingness to pay a premium, whereas perceived corporate reputation positively influences relational outcomes and purchase intention. Sustainability orientation is found to moderate the relationship between relational outcomes and willingness to pay a premium, of which the effect is greater for those who are more sustainability oriented than those who are less sustainability oriented. Several supplementary analyses are also performed. First, sustainability orientation is found to positively moderate the relationship between outcome expectations of social entrepreneurship and social entrepreneurial intention. Second, results of the hypothesised models are displayed in groups of those who possess an agricultural identity and those who do not. The positive effect of perceived corporate social responsibility on perceived corporate reputation is only significant for those who possess an agricultural identity; the positive effect of adherence to social missions on perceived corporate reputation is only significant for those who do not possess an agricultural identity. Third, the potential association of purchase intention and social entrepreneurial intention is tested, showing that outcome expectations positively influence purchase intention, willingness to pay a premium, and social entrepreneurial intention, whereas willingness to pay a premium positively influence social entrepreneurial intention.


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