  • 學位論文


Industrial Transformation of Latecomers: A Case Study of Taiwan's Server System Industry

指導教授 : 陳良治


近十年來因為雲端運算技術成熟,資料中心的伺服器需求大增,連帶讓台灣伺服器產業成為眾所矚目的焦點。國家與國內產業界試圖抓住產業轉型的機會之窗,動員起來發展系統軟硬體整合的能力,希望扭轉台灣伺服器產業只能做代工的形象。本研究以國家與國內產業界鑲嵌而成的產業轉型網絡為研究對象,以台灣伺服器產業的轉型經驗為例,探討究竟是哪些關鍵要素驅動了後進國家的產業轉型。 本研究採取質性研究方法,透過次級資料分析以及六位相關資深從業人員的深度訪談,建立研究資料庫。在理論層次,本研究融合「發展型國家」、「全球價值鏈」以及「策略性耦合」的理論基礎,建立研究分析架構,檢視自1980年代以來的台灣伺服器產業發展脈絡,以及產業轉型網絡內部相關行動者,在滿足客觀條件的情況下採取了何種行動。 最後,本研究歸納出三項影響台灣伺服器產業轉型的關鍵要素──1. 國家扮演多重角色,在產業轉型的過程中發揮帶領者與協助者的功能;2. 國內產業界參與國際開放標準組織,尋求快速跟隨新技術以及累積聲譽的機會;3. 國內廠商建立新興商業模式與協力關係,扭轉台灣伺服器產業只能做代工的形象。基於這些結論,以及本研究對於台灣伺服器產業發展脈絡的梳理,本研究期望為台灣資通訊與電腦相關產業的眾多相關研究,貢獻其中較少探討的伺服器產業發展經驗。


In the past decade, the global datacenter server market had grown up dramatically due to the Cloud Computing, and brought Taiwan's server system industry into the limelight. To change the image that Taiwanese firms only deserve to do the contract manufacturing, some state’s actors and firms had been mobilized to develop system integration capabilities, and tried to seize the opportunity for industrial transformation. The purpose of this study was to investigate the key factors driving the industrial transformation of Taiwan's server system industry, and used the “network of industrial transformation,” which related to state-firm relations, as the reseach object. This study adopted the qualitative research approach, invoving first, builing a research database through secondary data analysis; second, conducting the in-depth interviews with six senior practitioners working in the industry and public research institute. At the theoretical aspect, this study integrated "developmental state," "global value chain," and "strategic coupling" to establish an analytical framework. Based on this analytical framework, first, this study examined the development context of Taiwan's server system industry since the 1980s. Then, this study investigated what action these actors took in the network of industrial transformation. Finally, this study summarized three key factors that had influenced the transformation of Taiwan’s server system industry: 1. The state had played multiple roles of the flagship and facilitator in the process of industry transformation; 2. Taiwanese firms had participated in international open standards organizations to seek opportunities to be a fast follower and accumulate reputation; and 3. domestic manufacturers established new business models and collaborative relationships to change the image of Taiwan's server system industry from OEM/ODM to the industrial brand. To sum up, this study contribute to the related research of Taiwan's ICT industries, which were lack of discussion about server system.


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