  • 學位論文


Assessment of Feasibility to Combine DSSAT Model and Gridded Soil Information for Rice Yield Prediction

指導教授 : 劉力瑜




Taiwan has abundant soil-generating factors, which have formed diverse soils, especially playing a key component in agricultural production. With the efforts of the research institutions, many soil surveys have been carried out. Taiwan detailed soil map, which was completed in 1979, contains attribute data and coordinate data. It particularly focused on the factors that had been considered essential to agricultural production. Detailed investigations had been carried out in various parts of Taiwan. In the past, Taiwan detailed soil map was mostly used to assess soil properties in a specific location and was rarely used in large-scale research. We usually use crop models to evaluate the impact of soil factors in crop production. DSSAT model is one of them, and we used it in our research. By adjusting the relevant cultivation parameters, including crop varieties, climatic conditions, soil and cultivation management strategies, it can simulate the crop growth. In past studies, soil parameters were usually ignored, and soil parameters were not selected based on real soil properties due to the lack of well-formatted digital soil information. In the past research, there were few cases of combining crop models and soil survey resources. This study combined these two powerful tools to evaluate the effect of soil textures in crop models. We converted soil textures to water content parameters, and then estimated the parameters through the equal area quadratic smoothing spline function. The Taiwan detailed soil map was further transformed to digital soil information that met the six-layer standard soil profile of the GlobalSoilMap project, and converted into gridded data. The final data was named DH.SOL. We used sensitivity analysis to compare the simulation results with literature data. The results showed that the simulation using the soil file of this study was more sensitive to rice yield, which meant that it could distinguish the differences between soils and improve the accuracy of soil factors that affected the simulation. The soil file produced in this research is the first DSSAT soil file in Taiwan that conformed to local soil conditions. In the future, whether it is large-scale crop production simulations or evaluation of climate change response strategies, the results of this research can be used to obtain simulation results better reflecting the real scenarios.


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