  • 學位論文


A Study on Adults’ Preferences of Park Facilities, Plants and Regional Differences

指導教授 : 陸怡蕙


公園的功能非常多元,不同的民眾對於公園有著不同的需求,但公園的空間有限,因此在公園的設施設計與植栽挑選時,往往需要面臨取捨與選擇。本研究的主要目的在於探討台灣成年民眾對於公園的整體設計、個別設施項目、植栽種類等的偏好及其優先選擇次序,以供公園設計者與維護者未來規劃及提供更符合民眾需求的公園之參考。 本研究以線上問卷方式進行調查,調查對象為全台灣各縣市的成年民眾,有效問卷樣本共383份,其中女性受訪者260人、男性受訪者123人,而受訪者之年齡主要介於20至50歲之間。根據本研究的調查顯示,台灣成年民眾的公園使用頻率相當高,前往公園的頻率中位數大約落在每周1次。民眾最重視的公園特徵為豐富的動植物種類,但同時擁有良好景觀以及活動設施的公園則最能吸引民眾前往使用。多數民眾對於公園的各項設施普遍認為具重要性,依照設施重要性(由高至低)排序如下:樹下活動區>大草坪>兒童遊戲場>環狀步道(慢跑道)>涼亭花架區>多功能廣場>體健設施區>灌木草花區>運動場>狗活動區>小山丘>水池>表演台(舞台)。本研究亦發現,受訪者對於各類設施的偏好在居住地區上的差異(城市相對鄉村、六個直轄市相對其餘縣市)多半未達統計顯著性,故上述公園設施重要性排序可適用於全台。 大草坪與環狀步道為受歡迎但較為少見的設施,因此更具備設置潛力。北部地區民眾對於公園的滿意程度較高。若將六都及非六都相比,新北市市民對於公園的滿意度較其他區域高,而桃園市民則較低。本研究進一步利用迴歸分析來檢視民眾各項設施重要程度或偏好與公園滿意度之間的關係,結果顯示,重視草坪、涼亭、水池的民眾對於公園較為滿意,而重視樹下活動區及體健設施區的民眾則對於公園較不滿意,因此目前而言仍有改善空間。此外,本研究發現,距離是影響民眾前往公園意願的重要因素,公園服務範圍約在步行10到20分鐘 (大約600至1200公尺),建議公園設置設施時應考慮服務範圍內的其餘公園,避免設置過多重複功能的設施。民眾對於主題遊具類型以大型組合遊具與土堤遊具較為偏好,而較不偏好大型攀爬網,遊具偏好排序為:獨立溜滑梯>平衡木組合>獨立沙坑>擺盪遊具>彈跳床>滑軌與溜索>互動遊具>立體攀爬架>搖擺遊具>旋轉遊具;地面緩衝材質偏好的排序則為:無縫橡膠地墊>人工草>方塊橡膠地墊>沙>小礫石>木片樹皮。樹下活動區較為民眾偏好的地面材質為:人工草與天然草地、高架木平台及木棧道、護草墊與護(植)草磚。較偏好的金屬機械體健設施為漫步器(滑雪器)、大轉輪、健騎機、上肢牽引器、雙人浪板、伸腰伸背器、肩關節康復器、扭腰器。較偏好的運動場以籃球場最高,網球、羽球、排球場次之。水池種類以生態池的偏好最高、動態水次之。民眾偏好同意設置公園入口的車阻、狗活動區、YouBike站、吸菸區、商店或攤販區,且偏好每一個公園都盡量要有廁所且相當同意公廁提供沖洗噴槍(馬桶噴槍、沖水器、沖洗器),而女性對於性別友善公廁的偏好低於普通公廁。 民眾最為偏好的植栽為七里香、金露花與羅漢松(觀葉);杜鵑與馬纓丹(賞花);花葉萬年青與虎尾蘭(耐陰);麥門冬、冷水花、蟛蜞菊(耐陰地被植物);紫藤、蒜香藤與九重葛(爬藤植物)。由前述結果可見,民眾對於植栽的偏好以淺色的觀葉植栽及具香氣或會開花等特殊優點的植栽較高。與設施偏好的結果類似,受訪者對於各類植栽的偏好在居住地區上的差異(城市相對鄉村、六個直轄市相對其餘縣市)多半未達統計顯著性,故上述植栽偏好排序可適用於全台。 綜上,進行公園綠地的施工設計時,本研究建議依序優先採用偏好高的設施,並依照當地環境與民眾需求調整,亦應避免公園內或附近同區域公園設置過多相同功能之設施。種植公共工程之植栽時,建議也應將民眾偏好納入考慮,優先採用偏好高的植栽。


Parks have many functions while people have different needs for parks. However, parks have limited space. Therefore, there are always choices to make and trade-offs to consider when designing facilities and selecting plants. The main purpose of this study is to investigate the priority of the overall design, individual facilities, and planting types of parks in Taiwan such that park designers and maintainers can provide better parks to meet the public needs in the future. This study uses online questionnaires to survey adult citizens in Taiwan. A valid sample of 383 responses is collected which comprises 260 females and 123 males. The age of the respondents ranged from 20 to 50 years old. The median frequency of people visiting the park is about once a week. It is found that people are most interested in abundant flora and fauna. The parks with good scenery and facilities are the most attractive to people. In descending order of importance, the following facilities are considered to be important: under-tree activity area > large lawn > children's playground > circular trail (jogging path) > pavilion and flower shelf area > multi-function plaza > physical fitness facility area > shrub and flower area > sports field > dog activity area > hill > pond > performance stage (stage). The urbanization (urban or rural) and regional differences (between the six municipalities and the rest of the counties) do not have much influence on the order of facility preference, so the above order of important park facilities can be applied to all of Taiwan. Large lawns and circular trails are less common but popular with the public, and thus have more potential for installation. People in northern Taiwan are more satisfied with parks. When comparing the six metropolitan areas to the non-six metropolitan areas, people in New Taipei City are more satisfied with parks than other areas, while people in Taoyuan are less satisfied. The results of this study also show that people who value lawns, pavilions, and pools are more satisfied with parks, while people who value under-tree activity areas and physical fitness facilities are less satisfied with parks. Therefore, there is still room for improvement. Distance is an important factor to affect people's desire to visit parks. The park's service area is about a 10 to 20-minute walk away (about 600 to 1200 meters). This study suggests installing facilities should consider park service area, and avoid setting up too many facilities the nearby parks have already installed. The public preference for themed play equipment is more in large combination play equipment and earthen berm play equipment, and less in large climbing nets; the order of play equipment preference is: independent slide > balance beam combination > independent sand pit > swing play equipment > bouncing bed > slide and zip line > interactive play equipment > three-dimensional climbing frame > swing play equipment > spinning play equipment. The order of ground cushioning material preference is seamless rubber mat > artificial grass > square rubber mat >Sand > gravel > wood bark. The preferred ground materials for under-tree activity areas are artificial grass and natural grass, elevated wooden platforms and wooden pallets, grass protection mat and grass protection (planting) tile. The preferred metal mechanical fitness facilities are elliptical trainers, big wheels, cycling machines, upper limb traction machines, double wave boards, back stretchers, shoulder joint rehabilitation machines, and waist twisters. Basketball courts are the most preferred sporting venues, followed by tennis, badminton and volleyball courts. Ecological pools were the most preferred, followed by dynamic water pools. The public prefers the installation of vehicle stops at park entrances, dog activity areas, YouBike stations, smoking areas, and store or vendor areas. People prefer more toilets in every park and strongly like public toilets with water spray guns. While women prefer gender-friendly public toilets less than regular public toilets. The public most preferred plantings are seven lilies, goldenrod and lohan pine (foliage); azaleas and lingzhi (flowering); foliage lilies and tiger orchids (shade tolerant); maidenhair, cold water flowers, wedelia (shade tolerant ground cover plants); wisteria, garlic vine, and kudzu (climbing plants). From the above results, it can be seen that people's preference for plants is light-colored foliage plants and plants with special advantages such as fragrance or flowering. The urbanization (urban or rural) and regional differences (six municipalities and other counties) do not have much influence on the order of planting preference, so the above planting preference order of importance can be applied to all of Taiwan. In summary, this study suggests that when designing the construction of green areas in parks, facilities with high preferences can be installed first and park facilities should be adjusted according to the local environment and the needs of the public. There is also a need to avoid too many facilities with the same function in nearby parks. When planting public project plants, it is also recommended that public preferences need to be considered.


