  • 學位論文


The Study of the Development of Marine Economy in Ningbo City (2011-2014)

指導教授 : 周繼祥


隨著陸地資源的枯竭和海洋高新技術的迅速發展,海洋經濟在沿海國家迅速崛起成為一個獨立的經濟體系,並在世界經濟發展中發揮了越來越重要的作用。對於中國大陸而言,海洋經濟活動是維護、拓展海洋權益的基礎,也是海權發展的目的。2011年2月底,國務院正式批復《浙江海洋經濟發展示範區規劃》,標志著浙江海洋經濟發展上升爲國家戰略。寧波市憑藉其得天獨厚的地理區位優勢,具備發展海洋經濟的良好條件,在促進浙江海洋經濟發展中佔有重要的戰略地位。 本研究詳細介紹了寧波市的海洋地理環境、海洋資源及其海洋經濟發展現況,透過文獻分析法,在SWOT分析的基礎上,闡釋當前寧波發展海洋經濟的內部優勢、劣勢及外部機遇和威脅。研究發現,當前寧波海洋經濟發展儘管取得了一定的成就,但在與規劃目標及沿海同類城市相比時,依然存在很多不足和問題,譬如資源利用水平較低,海洋科技支撐較弱,發展模式缺乏特色等等。鑒於這些存在的問題,本研究也給出了一定的政策建議。但是由於時間所限,沒能進行應有的訪談,同時也由於資料的不足,本研究尚有許多不完善之處,在後續研究中當有所加強。


With the depletion of land resources and the rapid development of marine high-tech, marine economy quickly emerges as an independent economic system in coastal countries, playing an increasingly important role in world economic development. For the Chinese mainland, marine economic activity is to maintain and expand the marine rights and interests, as well as the purpose of the development of marine power. By the end of February 2011, the State Council officially approved the "the planning of Zhejiang marine economic development demonstration area", which means that the development of Zhejiang marine economy has risen to national strategies. With its unique geographical advantages, Ningbo City possesses good conditions for the development of marine economy, occupying an important strategic position in promoting the development of Zhejiang marine economy. The study details Ningbo’s marine geography, marine resources and its development status of marine economy. On the basis of SWOT analysis and literature analysis, the study describes internal strengths, weaknesses as well as external opportunities and threats of Ningbo. The research found that although marine economic development has already made some achievements currently, there exist many deficiencies and problems when compared to similar cities and planning objectives. For example, low level of resource utilization, weak scientific and technological support for marine economy, lack of features of development model, and so on. Given the existence of these problems, the study provides some policy recommendations. However, due to time constraints, the study did not conduct proper interviews. What’s more, because of lack of data, the study still has a lot to improve and will be enhanced in the subsequent study.


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