  • 學位論文


A Study on the Management of Religious Land Supply System

指導教授 : 林建元


台灣宗教土地管理與法令介面整合的缺漏,及層出不窮的宗教土地(或其設施)使用違規的案例,加深了民眾對宗教用地管理制度的不信任;而違規宗教土地使用對環境所造成的衝擊,其成本與後果也將由全國人民與後代子孫共同承擔。為了國土資源保育與永續經營管理,的確需要一套合宜及能有效操作執行的宗教土地供給管理機制,來應付現階段宗教使用所衍生的龐大問題。 近年來,空間規劃在分權化、自由化等潮流的影響下,面臨一連串的衝擊與衍生轉變的壓力。過去規劃思維,經過時空環境變遷與價值觀念轉換,已漸漸醞釀出改革的力量。 本研究內容主要為分析宗教用地的需求特性與供需體系的現況問題,本研究工作將著重於滿足未來新開發用地需求的解決方法,提出概念性的架構並就相關議題進行分析,並針對既有違規使用的宗教用地解決途徑及相關問題加以分析。 研究目標主要包含宗教用地之開發控制系統,與違規宗教用地之土地管理機制兩大部分:一是宗教用地開發控制系統之建議;二為違規宗教用地之因應措施。此次研究發現因宗教用地具有高度不確定性,且使用性質為多元使用,其使用分區應採用「浮動分區」的方式,透過開發許可制之審議機制,提出適宜的宗教用地之權利與義務。


Due to the poor integration of land use management system and religious land demand, numerous cases of illegal religious land development can be found in Taiwan. It is evident that the religious land use management system in Taiwan needs to be improved. On the one hand, illegal religious land uses have caused environmental externality to the general public and next generation, and on the other hand, a supply system is needed to cope with the increasing demand for religious land. For the sake of sustainable development, it is a critical task to development an appropriate land use management system for religious land development. In the past decades, the spatial planning system has evolved and changed toward decentralization and deregulation for land use control. Along with the changing of planning paradigm, land use management system needs innovative improvement either. Therefore, this research starts with the problem identification of characteristics analysis of religious land uses, and then tries to identify the solutions for future religious land demand by means of a conceptual proposal. More specifically, the main purpose of this research includes two parts, one is to propose a new framework for land use management system to meet the future demand for new development, and the other one is to identify a strategy to solve the illegal land use issues of religious buildings. Given the nature of high uncertainty and increasing complexity of religious land demand, it is concluded that a combination of “floating zoning” and “development permission system” should be able to improve the existing land use management system to better deal with the increasing religious land demand.


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