  • 學位論文


A Cognitive Semantic Perspective on the Semantic Change of 婊biǎo in Mandarin Chinese

指導教授 : 呂佳蓉


本研究旨在探討中文中「婊」一字的語意變遷以及語意發展──「婊」一字原來為詈罵語,作名詞使用,但在現代用法中也可以當作謂語。應用 Evans (2005) 提出的「原則性多意模型理論」以及Traugott 與Dasher (2002) 所提出的「語意變遷的導引推論理論」,我們不僅分析、說明「婊」一字在現代用法中衍伸出的多個語意,也整合繪出此字的語意網絡圖,並藉由追朔此字字源、歷時性的語意變遷,結合導引推論理論的鐘形圖示,闡釋了此字在變遷的過程中所牽涉的隱喻、轉喻等認知機制以及文化與社會因素。此外,我們也比對分析「婊」一字在「PTT實業坊」以及「新聞報紙」兩個不同語域中的使用情形,例如該字在兩個語域中的詞類分布以及語意韻等等,藉此讓我們更了解次文化對於主流文化的影響。總結來說,本研究藉由深入探討「婊」一字的語意變遷以及發展,除了闡釋語言與文化錯綜複雜的關係,同時也一探認知機制在語意變遷的過程中的運作,並增加多義詞研究的豐富度。


This study focuses on the semantic change and development of the word婊biǎo, which is once used as an expletive, and then has developed a predicate usage in the modern era. We apply not only the model of Principled Polysemy (Evans 2005) to illustrate the semantic network of 婊biǎo, but the Invited Inferencing Theory (Traugott and Dasher 2002) for its semantic change as well as some possible cultural and social factors. In addition, we compare and contrast how the word is used (e.g., the semantic prosody, the distribution of syntactic categories) in two registers—PTT forum and newspapers, enables us to understand more about the influence of the subculture on the main culture. Through the analysis, we illustrate not only the relation between language and culture but how cognitive mechanisms function during semantic change. Moreover, we provide a complete description and semantic network for the word 婊biǎo, which complements the research gap of Chinese study on this word.


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