  • 學位論文


The Effects of Interpretation on Tourists’ Behavioral Intentions by Low-Carbon Tourism-A Case Study of Pinglin

指導教授 : 陳惠美


由於人類頻繁的活動造成環境資源的耗損,並導致地球暖化等問題發生,溫室效應的議題已經成為全球關注的問題。因此政府部門便紛紛倡導利用節能減碳的方式來延緩地球暖化的情形,而利用低碳概念來進行環境資源的節約,已是全球一致努力的目標。根據世界旅遊組織統計顯示,全世界總體碳排放量約5%來自旅遊業,旅遊行為所產生的排碳量相當大。故為因應減碳議題以及永續發展的未來,低碳旅遊活動因而產生。低碳旅遊活動是以提倡大眾交通運輸工具的接駁、步行解說導覽、享用當地的低碳餐飲以及綠色消費為主要減碳模式的旅遊活動,活動的成功也讓地方觀光活動重新活絡起來。而低碳旅遊活動的主要目的即是希望能透過旅遊活動達成到教育遊客低碳概念的目的,讓遊客能從遊玩的活動體驗中了解低碳的概念以及低碳行為,進而能夠進一步推展到自身未來的旅遊行為上。 在坪林區低碳旅遊活動中,主要是透過活動的解說導覽員將低碳概念宣導給遊客,過去研究指出,在旅遊活動中解說導覽人員所帶領的遊程是最傳統也是遊客最熟悉的一種旅遊方式,而解員說通常也是遊客最喜愛也是最能夠影響遊客旅遊行為的角色,因此解說人員對於遊客的影響很大,而解說人員所傳達的解說內容相當重要。因此,本研究探討,遊客於低碳解說訊息之態度,是否會因遊客個人社經特性有所影響以及影響其未來之低碳旅遊行為、甚至是日常生活環保行為的傾向。本研究結果希望可提供政府、相關單位及旅遊業者,做為未來低碳旅遊行為在教育宣導、規劃之參考依據。 研究方法採結構式問卷調查,以報名參加新北市坪林區低碳旅遊活動遊客為研究對象。研究地點選在坪林區低碳旅遊活動接駁乘車處。調查方法採旅遊後之遊客意見調查,分別收集遊客之個人社經資料、低碳旅遊行為傾向,以及日常環保行為傾向等三個部分。現地一共回收213份回答旅遊前的問卷,扣掉無效問卷22份,有效問卷一共是191份。 研究結果顯示,在資料分析方面,關於遊客社經特性與低碳解說訊息的反應上,則是以不同的遊客性別會對低碳解說訊息產生影響,特別是以女性會受到低碳解說訊息中的環境保育概念而影響。另一方面,關於低碳解說訊息對遊客未來低碳行為傾向上,則是以低碳解說訊息中的環境保育概念訊息,會影響遊客未來的低碳行為傾向。在未來低碳旅遊活動行銷上的建議,則是可以多加利用與環境議題相關的解說內容進行講解,將能夠影響遊客未來的低碳旅遊行為以及日常環保行為。


The consumption of environmental resources due to human activities frequently, which lead to global warming and other problems, the greenhouse issue, has become a global concern. To slow global warming situation, government departments have advocated the energy conservation and reduce carbon emissions. It’s a global objective to savings environmental resources by using the concept of low-carbon. According to the World Tourism Organization statistics show, the world's total carbon emissions by around 5% from the tourism industry. It’s a large number of carbon emissions by travel behavior. Therefore, in response to carbon reduction issues and sustainable development, the low-carbon tourism activities have resulted. Low carbon tourist activity is a mode to reduce carbon emission by promotion the public transport connections, walking tour, enjoy the local low-carbon food, and green consumption. The successful activities are re-active the local tourism activities. The purpose of low-carbon tourism activity is to educate visitors the concept of low-carbon by tourism activities, and understanding the concept of low-carbon and low carbon behavior from the experience of visitors’ activities, and be able to promote their travel behavior in the future. The main activity in Low-carbon tourism activities is to explain and guidance the concept of low-carbon to tourists from tour guides. In the past studies, the tour guide is the most influence role to influence the tourists' behavior in low-carbon tourism. The message conveyed by the tour guide is the concept of convince, and the most common applications is the concept of regulatory focus on message convince. According to regulatory focus theory, it can be divided into two regulatory focuses, Promotion Focus and Prevention Focus. Many studies use the response received by the regulatory focus theory to explore the different focus for its message. The research also confirmed, using a different focus of the individual, the presentation of the message will produce different attitudes and behavior of the reaction. It is different mechanism in convince process with individuals of different regulatory focus. Using different individuals in which to adjust the position to fit message can be achieved the best to convince. Therefore, the purpose of this study is using the concept of regulatory focus to explore the individual with promotion and prevention, whether to explain the message of promotion and prevention of low-carbon reaction is different. To identify visitors with different focus position which message type is suitable, as a reference to explain the improvement. In the same time, to study the attitude of tourists in the low-carbon interpretive messages will be affected by the characteristics of visitors personal community and influence its future low-carbon travel behavior, and the daily life of the environmental behavior. The results of this study want to be able to provide the government, and related agencies and tour operators, as reference for future low-carbon travel behavior in education advocacy and planning. Research methods use structured questionnaire survey, and consider the visitors who enroll in the low-carbon tourism activities in New Taipei City Pinglin district as the research object. The study site is located in the shuttle bus station of low-carbon tourism activities in Pinglin district, and using visitor survey after low-carbon tourism as survey method. Collect the personal information of visitors, the focus of regulation; promotion / prevention of low-carbon explain the message, the travel behavior tendencies, and regular environmental behavior tendency. Received a total of 213 were answered before travel questionnaire, after deducting 22 invalid questionnaires, we got the usable questionnaire were 191. In the data analysis, the results show that the reaction of the visitors' socioeconomic characteristics and low-carbon explanation message is based on different tourist gender, especially on women who will be affected in the low-carbon explanation message of environmental conservation concept. On the other hand, in the future, the low-carbon explanation message on the tendency of low-carbon in tourists, is based on the concept of environmental conservation message in the message of low-carbon explanation, it will affect low-carbon behavioral tendencies of tourists in the future. Suggested that in future low-carbon tourism marketing can make use of the explanation to explain environmental issues, will be able to affect tourist low-carbon travel behavior as well as day-to-day environmental behavior in the future.


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