  • 學位論文


Reviewing China’s Cultural Soft Power Policy Towards Vietnam: A Case Study

指導教授 : 張登及 博士


軟實力、文化軟實力一般耳熟能詳。自1990年奈伊(Nye)提出軟實力的概念起,軟實力、文化軟實力成爲一個新興的研究課題,吸引衆多學者投入研究。而軟實力到了中國,不僅官方還是民間學者,在運用奈伊的軟實力理論過程中,都逐步將此概念「中國化」,配合上中國的政策需要與理論框架,創造出一套具有中國特色的文化軟實力的概念。 同時,中國作爲世界主要大國之一,隨着內部經濟的快速成長,不斷加強軍事力量,造成各國,尤其周邊國家的擔憂。在此情況之下,中國欲透過文化軟實力來拉攏其他國家,並讓其他國家在國際場合支持中國。因此,中共十七大開始,就越發視文化軟實力。他們認爲,文化軟實力已日益成爲提高中國國內外動員力的重要因素。而文化軟實力亦不斷出現在中共的正式文章中,目的在於將中國特色的文化軟實力傳播到世界各個角落。 職是之故,本文主要針對中國對越南推動文化軟實力政策進行研究。其中,本文發現,中國對越南所推動的漢語推廣、文化交流、高校與青年交流、孔子學院等方面,由於其規模小、推動與宣傳方式不佳,導致政策成效有限。 另一方面,由於越中兩國山水相連,傳統、文化、風俗習慣等方面具有近似性,中國文化軟實力可能是中國的重要資產,能夠協助中國「說服」越南,也可能讓越南對中國增加嫌惡感,使中國對越南文化軟實力政策遭遇失敗。然而,由於兩國存在着許多衝突,又加上領土爭端問題和人民之間的不信任,導致越南人對中國人的嫌惡感。因此,中國即使再對越南推動文化軟實力政策,也無法達到其所期望的目標。最後,期許本篇研究的內容能夠為學術界,特別是中國文化軟實力的相關領域中,提供不同視角的補充。


Everyone knows about soft power and cultural soft power. After 1990 when Nye put forward the concept of soft power, it has become a topical subject increasingly. As for China, not only the government but also the Chinese scholars, when they apply the concept of Nye, they make it “sinicized”, and create a concept that contains Chinese characteristics. It is worth mentioning that with the growth of economy, China as one of the Great Powers in the world has been enhancing its military power. That makes other countries in the world, especially the neighboring countries of China, worry. Thus, China will like to attract other countries through its cultural soft power. After the 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), they have been emphasizing the importance of cultural soft power. They think that cultural soft power is a factor that can raise China’s mobilization power not only in China but also in the world. That is the reason why the term “cultural soft power” has been appearing in the CPC official articles in the recent years. With reference to China’s cultural soft power policy towards Vietnam, this paper will like to address the following three questions: 1. What are the factors of China’s cultural soft power and how do they promote them? 2. Why has China been promoting the policy in Vietnam? 3. What is the effect of the policy in Vietnam? To answer these questions, this paper will analyze areas of China’s cultural soft power such as the promotion of Chinese language, cultural exchange, universities and youth exchange, and Confucius Institute. The author thinks that as Vietnam and China are neighbors, their tradition, culture and custom will be similar, therefore China’s cultural soft power might be China’s asset to help them “persuade” Vietnam, but they might also be the reasons for the failure of China’s policy in Vietnam. This is yet another topic which the author will like to explore. Finally, through this article, the author hopes to provide some inspirations to the academic circle, especially research on China’s cultural soft power.


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