  • 學位論文


The investigation and control of pests and diseases of Populus spp.

指導教授 : 張祖亮
共同指導教授 : 傅春旭


栽培在臺灣的楊樹(Populus spp.)目前罹患多種病害與蟲害,故進行相關調查及鑑定工作,對危害情況較嚴重之銹病和炭疽病,則以藥劑及精油進行防治及篩選。本研究期能藉由實務的探討,作為日後防治工作基礎,以解決臺灣楊樹在臺灣種植栽培上所面臨的病蟲害問題,來提昇其產量與品質。 本研究首先調查雲林四湖、東勢、元長地區、臺大梅峰實驗農場四個地區,臺灣楊樹之病蟲害發生情況、種類,並採集病害發生部位及害蟲。再將採集發病部位之病葉及病根進行病原菌分離、純化及培養,除鑑定病原菌形態外,並進行分子鑑定、接種試驗,以完成柯霍氏法則(Koch’s postulate)。 蟲害方面經調查、鑑定出危害之蟲害有:巨型天牛、咖啡木蠹蛾(Zeuzera coffeae Niether)、小綠葉蟬(Jacobiasca formosana)、黃斑椿象(Erthesina fullo)、小白紋毒蛾(Orgyia postica)、大避債蛾(Clania preyeri Leech)、格斯特家白蟻(Coptotermes gestroi)、螺旋粉蝨(Aleurodicus disperses)及潛葉蛾Phyllocnistis citrella),而巨型天牛品種尚鑑定中。在病害鑑定方面,則根據形態特徵、真菌組織分離、分子鑑定,發現有銹病(Rust)、Alternaria tenuis、Ophiostoma quercus、炭疽病( Anthracnose)、藻斑病(Algal spot of poplar)、葉斑病(Leaf spot)、莖枯病(Stem blight)及灰黴病(Botrytis blight)。 銹病菌Melampsora larici-populina (Kleb)及炭疽病病原菌Colletotrichum gloeosporioides (Penz.) Sacc之防治,選取市面上易購之殺菌劑二十九種及萃取自臺灣種植之木本植物之木材部和葉部精油共二十三種,進行防治並行篩選。試驗則測試銹病病原菌之孢子發芽率;炭疽病病原菌之病原菌菌絲生長抑制率和孢子發芽率。 試驗結果顯示:對銹病病原菌孢子發芽抑制效果較佳的藥劑,計有克收欣(Kresoxim-methyl)、白列克收欣(Boscalid + Kresoxim-methyl)、快得寧(Oxine-copper)、鉀碳酸氫鉀(Potassium hydrogen carbonate)、白列克敏(Pyraclostrobin + Boscalid);精油方面則有大葉桉(Eucalyptus robusta)葉子精油、澳洲茶樹(Melaleuca alternifolia)葉子精油、扁柏(Chamaecyparis obtuse)木材精油、紅檜(Chamaecyparis formosensis)木材精油、土肉桂(Cinnamomum osmophloeum)葉子精油、錫蘭肉桂(Cinnamomum zeylanicum)葉子精油、牛樟(Cinnamomum micranthum)葉子精油。有關對炭疽病病原菌孢子發芽抑制效果較佳的藥劑則有克收欣、殺紋寧(Hymexazol)、扶吉胺(Fluazinam)、撲克拉(Prochloraz)、鋅錳乃浦(Mancozeb);精油方面有大葉桉葉子精油、澳洲茶樹葉子精油、扁柏木材精油、紅檜木材精油、土肉桂葉子精油、錫蘭肉桂葉子精油,龍柏(Juniperus chinensis)葉子精油並再進行苗木防治試驗。 所選取的五種藥劑和八種精油對銹病皆有預防性防治效果。其中克收欣、白列克收欣、檜木木材精油及土肉桂葉子精油對銹病有抑制效果。扶吉胺、鋅錳乃浦和大葉桉精油能有效地預防炭疽病的發生;扶吉胺、撲克拉、鋅錳乃浦、澳洲茶樹葉子精油、扁柏木材精油、檜木木材精油、龍柏葉子精油對炭疽病有抑制效果。


楊樹 病害 蟲害 農藥 精油


The Populus spp. in Taiwan encountered a great difficutlies of a vareity of diseases and pests in the cultivation. Recently, we have analyzed the survey based on the diseases and pests of Poplar sp.. We further identy those survey, and provide the the updated information of our diseases and pests’ investigation from our collected data. In addition, we select those rust and anthracnose that caused more serious hazards to proceed the screening test of control chemicals and essential oils. This study hopes to investigate the issue of diseases and pests of Popalr sp. in Taiwan as the basis of the prevention in the future. We hope that this study can come out with some solutions to solve the current problem of Populus spp. in Taiwan in its cultivation and enhance the production of Populus spp.’s planting quality while facing the industry’s issue. The investigated areas in this study included the National Taiwan University Highland Experimental Farm, Sihhu Township of Yunlin County, Dongshih Township of Yunlin County and Yuanchang Township of Yunlin County. The investigation involved the phenomenon and categorization of Populus spp. in Taiwan endangered of diseases and pests. We collect types of pests from the occurrence of diseases location and the hazards part of the Populus spp. Furthermore, those collections are being separated by its diseases-affecting leaves and roots to proceed the pathogenic isolation, purification and culture. Beside identify the pathogenic form, we also add the step to identify its molecular and inoculation to complete the Koch’s postulate. After we investigate the pests, we identify the pests that full of hazards are: Giant beetles, Zeuzera coffeae Niether, Jacobiasca formosana Paoli, Erthesina fullo Thunberg, Orgyia postica Walker, Clania preyeri Leech, Coptotermes gestroi Wasmann, Aleurodicus disperses hazards and Phyllocnistis citrella Staintain. The giant alternatus species that’s still under identification. On the other hand, we found Rust, Alternaria tenuis Nees, Ophiostoma quercus (Georgev.) Nannf, Anthracnose, Algal spot of poplar, Leaf spot, Sterm blight and Botrytis blight under the diseases identification based on its morphological characteristics, the separation of fungal tissue and molecular identification. We select 29 kinds of bactericides that’s easily pruchased on the market and 23 kinds of essential oils of plant’s leaves and woods in Taiwan to focus on the rust pathogen, Melampsora larici-populina (Kleb) and Colletotrichum gloeosporioides (Penz.) for the fungicides and essentail oils screening procedure. We test about the spre germination rate of rust pethogen, the growth inhibition rate and spore germination rate of anthrancnose pathogen mycelial growth all separetly. The pharmaceucal ones that has best control response reaction to the rust pathogen spore germinication inhibition are: Kresoxim-methyl, Boscalid + Kresoxim-methyl, Oxine-copper, Potassium hydrogen carbonate, Pyraclostrobin +Boscalid and essential oil which includes: Leaf Essential oil from Eucalyptus robusta, Leaf Essential oil from Melaleuca alternifolia, Tree Essential oil from Chamaecyparis obtuse, Tree Essential oil from Chamaecyparis formosensis, Leaf Essential oil from Cinnamomum osmophloeum, Leaf Essential oil from Cinnamomum zeylanicum and Leaf essential oil from Cinnamomum micranthum; and the ones that are best response to the anthrancnose spore germination inhibition are: Kresoxi m-methyl, Hymexazol, Fluazinam, Prochloraz, Mancozeb and essential oils included: Leaf Essential oil from Eucalyptus robusta, Leaf Essential oil from Melaleuca alternifolia, Tree Essential oil from Chamaecyparis obtuse, Tree Essential oil from Chamaecyparis formosensis, Leaf Essential oil from Cinnamomum osmophloeum, Leaf Essential oil from Cinnamomum zeylanicum, Leaf Essential oil from Juniperus chinensis for further screening of seedling control chemicals and essential oils test. There are 5 kinds of pharmaceutical and 8 kinds of essential oils all perform the best prevent reaction to the rust preventive effect. They are: Kresoxim-methyl, Tree Essential oil from Chamaecyparis formosensis and Leaf Essential oil from Cinnamomum osmophloeum that perform good prevent effect on rust inhibition. Fluazinam, Mancozeb, and Leaf Essential oil from Eucalyptus robusta can help with prevent the occurrence of anthrax. Fluazinam, Prochloraz, Mancozeb, Leaf Essential oil from Melaleuca alternifolia, Tree Essential oil from Chamaecyparis obtuse, Tree Essential oil from Chamaecyparis formosensis and Leaf Essential oil from Juniperus chinensis can help with prevent the anthrax inhibitory effect.


Populus spp. pests diseases bactericides essential oil


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