  • 學位論文


A Comparative Analysis on the Characteristics of Consumers of New and Old C.B.D. of Taipei City

指導教授 : 林建元


商圈發展的四個面向分別為區位、環境、商店以及消費者,而此四項因素也決定了商圈之特性。在消費導向的時代,消費者為所有商業活動發生與購買決策之核心。 消費活動的產生與消費型態具有密切的關係。消費型態代表的是不同的消費者特性與其商業設施之間所形成的對應關係。亦即不同的社會經濟與文化地位者會有不同的消費傾向。並且不同的商業地區擁有不同社經、文化階層的消費者,進而表現出不同特性的活動型態。 本研究透過西門商圈與信義商圈之研究,比較分析西門商圈與信義商圈之消費者屬性、消費者行為以及消費者對商圈之評價,並以消費者屬性與消費者對商圈之評價做交叉分析,瞭解消費者屬性與消費者至商圈頻率,對商圈喜好度以及對商圈滿意度之關係。 研究結果顯示,西門商圈消費者與信義商圈消費者在消費屬性上有顯著差異、在消費行為上無顯著差異。在評價方面,兩商圈消費者對信義商圈普遍評價良好,而對西門商圈評價相對較低。另外在消費者屬性與對環境之評價之各項交叉分析比對來看,商圈消費者屬性對消費行為與對商圈評價產生影響。 根據研究結果提出四項結論,第一、消費活動的產生與消費型態有密切關係;第二、消費者在商圈發展之需求面中扮演重要角色;第三、每一個商圈有其獨特的文化意義與符號性;第四、商圈型態的差異反應了社會價值的多元化。


Four aspects of the development of commercial districts are contained, including location, environment, store and consumer, which decide the characteristics of a commercial district. In the consumer-oriented ear, consumers are the core of all the commercial activities and consumer decisions. The occurrence of consumer activities and consumer spending patterns are closely related. Consumer spending patterns represent the corresponding relationship between different characteristics of consumers and commercial establishments. That means consumers of different economic and cultural backgrounds will have different consumer tendencies. Moreover, consumers of different economic and cultural backgrounds belong to different commercial districts and exhibit different patterns of activities. The study tends to comparatively analyze the attributes, behaviors and evaluations of Ximen and Xinyi Commercial Districts by their consumers. Then the attributes of the consumers and the evaluations to the commercial districts are analyzed crossly, in order to find how the attributes of consumers can affect frequency of arrival, degree of fondness and degree of satisfaction. The results show the attributes of consumers of Ximen and Xinyi Commercial Districts are different, but the consumer behaviors are similar. The evaluations of the two commercial districts are not coherent. The appraisal to Xinyi Commercial District by the consumers of the two districts is higher than that to Ximen Commercial District. In other words, the evaluation of Ximen Commercial District is relatively low. According to the discriminant analysis, the attributes of consumers influence their behaviors and evaluations. Four conclusions are made according to the study. First, the occurrence of consumer activities is closely related to spending patterns. Second, consumers are important for the development of commercial districts. Third, each commercial district has its unique cultural and symbolic meaning. Fourth, various patterns of commercial districts reflect multiple social values.


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