  • 學位論文


(Re-)framing Political Discourse in News Translation

指導教授 : 孔思文


本研究旨在探討新聞譯者於翻譯國際新聞的過程中,如何透過框架策略(framing strategies)重塑原文中所隱含的政治論述與意識型態價值。研究者以貝克(Mona Baker)於2006年提出的翻譯框架(framing)作為理論架構,分析政治類英中新聞。所有原文均選自美國《紐約時報》的官方網站,繁體中文譯文則擷取自紐約時報中文網以及臺灣多家主流媒體,包含中央通訊社、自由時報電子報、蘋果新聞網、聯合新聞網、中時新聞網等等。研究結果顯示,即使譯自同一篇新聞報導,不同翻譯版本反映出來的政治意涵仍不盡相同,且譯者深受其所屬新聞機構的政治立場影響,使得最終產出的譯文重新建構原文中的政治論述與意識型態。


This research explores how international news is framed or reframed by Western media and media in Taiwan in the translation process. Drawing on the notion of framing proposed by Mona Baker (2006), this study examines various English-to-Chinese translations of international news covering the same events and identifies how interpretive frames are created through translation for the target readership. Framing, an active strategy highlighting particular aspects of the narratives in the source text, provides a new perspective on news translation as a means of constructing social reality. The emphasis here is thus on the employment of framing strategies that contribute to translational choices, which carry certain political discourses or ideologies. All source texts are selected from the official website of the New York Times, while the traditional Chinese translation versions are retrieved from news sites of both the New York Times Chinese Edition and some of the most influential news media in Taiwan, including the Central News Agency, the Liberty Times, the Apple Daily, the United Daily News, and the China Times. The results of the preliminary analysis suggest that noticeable changes, which reflect political implications, can be identified in different translation versions. As framing practices vary between news organizations, translators’ choices reveal divergent, if not conflicting, interpretations of the original concepts in the source texts. This research further argues that such (re-)framing of original news in the translation reflects the hidden political discourses or ideologies represented by different newspaper media.


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