  • 學位論文

餐飲外賣 電商新藍海

New Blue Ocean of E-commerce in Food Delivery Market

指導教授 : 羅竹平


在網際網路蓬勃發展下,電子商務逐漸改變人們食衣住行的生活模式,帶給人們生活便利。隨著國人工作時數增長,商店受限於營運空間及人力短缺等發展阻礙,因而促成「餐飲外賣O2O」的發展,結合電子商務的資訊流、物流、金流,帶來了餐飲市場全新的藍海契機。 本研究將利用台灣與中國餐飲外賣O2O市場的現況,再分析比較目前台灣業者主流的商業模式。同時,尋求台灣未來餐飲外賣O2O市場的機會,並以中國為借鏡,推估台灣未來餐飲外賣O2O市場的交易規模,提供未來餐飲外賣O2O業者在經營餐飲外賣市場做為參考。 本研究結果顯示,台灣主流餐飲外賣O2O商業模式可分為兩種,第三方餐飲外賣平台與第三方即時快遞平台,提供不同的價值主張,解決國人餐飲外賣痛點。而本研究認為台灣餐飲外賣O2O有其市場可發展性,原因在於國人飲食習慣轉變、行動裝置普及等因素。此外,業者提供的服務能符合台灣的法規限制以及降低國人對於食品安全的疑慮,餐飲外賣O2O在台灣餐飲市場就會被看好。 而本研究亦顯示若以中國餐飲外賣O2O市場為標竿下,且受到電子商務的蓬勃發展及國人飲食習慣轉變等因素,並透過電商平台模式,線上虛擬通路、線下實體消費。因此推估未來於2020年至2021年時,台灣餐飲外賣O2O占餐飲外賣市場交易比重可達10% ; 2020年至2021年時,台灣餐飲外賣交易規模即可突破600億規模。


Due to technological advancements, e-commerce has gradually changed the lifestyles of people by bringing convenience to them. Thus, as the working hours of people increases, there will be limitations to managing operations and manpower. This will eventually lead to the slow progress in development. As such, with O2O Food-Delivery market, they combine cash flow, information flow and logistics in e-commerce. to bring the new blue ocean opportunity in the Food and Beverage Market. The study will show the current situation of the O2O Food-Delivery market in both Taiwan and Mainland China. Comparative analysis was done to analyze the mainstream business models in Taiwan and from there explore potential market opportunities to fulfil the consumer's market demand. Mainland China will be used as the guidelines to predict the market of O2O Food-Delivery in the near future. The results of this study show that there are two mainstream business models in the O2O Food-Delivery market. One is the presence of the third-party platform in the Food Delivery market, while the other is the third-party platform of Real-Time Delivery. Both models provide differing value proposition to solve the key problems of Food Delivery in Taiwan. However, as the eating habits of people changes, or the use of social media applications on mobile devices, the market would only be optimistic if we go with the flow. Therefore, we have to find a solution to fulfil all their needs and at the same time, ensure that we do not violate the regulations set in Taiwan. On the other hand, the results of this study also show taking Mainland China’s O2O Food-Delivery market as the benchmark; technological advancement in the e-commerce industry, change in dietary habits and other objective factors can lead to consumers’ expenditure on electronic business platforms or online virtual channels. As such, we can predict that the market for the O2O Food-Delivery would be optimistic from 2020 to 2021. This can only be assured if food corporations follow the regulations set by the government. In addition, O2O Food-Delivery market would take up at least ten percent in the Food delivery market. By then, the Food delivery market would exceed 60 billion from 2020 to 2021.


Food Delivery O2O Electronic Commerce


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