  • 學位論文


The Analysis of Taiwan’s Rice Production Cost Structure

指導教授 : 陳郁蕙
共同指導教授 : 孫立群(Lih-Chyun Sun)


稻米是國人的主食,因此種植面積最廣且農戶數最多,為確保國家糧食來源、穩定糧食供需、維持社會安定與保障農民收益,故台灣農業政策往往以稻作產業為施政重心。然而,長久以來,我國農民平均稻作經營面積偏小而生產成本偏高,故我國稻米生產在國際上較不具競爭力,面對貿易漸趨自由化之壓力下,將使我國稻米產業甚至是農業面臨更大的挑戰。 生產成本是影響稻作市場競爭力重要因素之一,因此瞭解台灣稻作生產成本有其必要性,本研究之目的係根據歷年稻作生產成本資料,探討台灣稻作之生產成本結構,並分析各期稻作生產要素相關彈性與其經濟意涵。本研究結果顯示,我國兩期稻作生產成本皆呈現逐年增加趨勢,且第二期稻作單位面積平均成本高於第一期作,顯示台灣稻作產業第一期作之生產狀況優於第二期作。另由稻作經營規模分析可知,稻作單位面積平均成本隨經營規模擴大而減少,顯示其具規模經濟效果。稻作生產要素之彈性方面,種苗與農藥為替代關係而與肥料為互補關係,顯示當種苗價格上漲,稻農對農藥施用需求增加對肥料施用需求減少;農藥分別與肥料、工資為替代關係,顯示當農藥價格上漲,稻農對肥料施用與勞工需求將增加;而肥料與工資互為替代關係,顯示當肥料價格上漲,稻農對勞工需求增加,反之當工資上漲,稻農在減少勞動之餘會增加肥料施用量。


Rice is the most important staple food of Taiwanese diet. Therefore there are the most widely planted area and the largest number of farmers in Taiwan’s rice industry. To ensure national food supply, maintain social stability, and secure farmer’s income, many Taiwan's agricultural policies focus on the rice industry. Small-scale of farm operations prevail in Taiwan rice industry, which results in a high production cost, and less competitive in the international market. Moreover, the pressure of trade liberalization even focus the industry confronts to greater challenges. Since production cost is one of the important factors influencing the competitiveness of Taiwan’s rice industry, studying the production cost of the industry is indispensable. The purpose of this research is to analyze Taiwan’s rice production costs and its structure. The elasticity of substitution between rice production factors are also calculated. Our findings show that the production costs of both crops have a rising trend. The production cost of the second rice crop is higher than that of the first crop, showing that first crop has a better production advantage over the second crop. In terms of the scale of operation, the results show that the larger the size of farm the lower the production cost. The estimated elasticities of substitution between factors indicate that seed and pesticide are substitutes; seed and fertilizer have a complementary relationship. The imply that when the seed price increases, rice farmers increase the demand of pesticide app1ication and decrease the demand of fertilizer app1ication. The elasticities of substitution between pesticide and fertilizer, and pesticide and wage are substitutes. The implications are that when the pesticide price increases, rice farmers increase the demand of fertilizer app1ication and increase the demand of labor. The elasticity of substitution suggests fertilizer and wage are substitutes, showing that when the fertilizer price increases, rice farmers increase the demand of labor. When wages raise that rice farmers reducing labor and increase the quantity of fertilizer usage.


