  • 學位論文


Survival Strategies For Weaker Powers When Facing Greater Powers: Constructing A General Theory

指導教授 : 明居正


本文的目的是為較弱國家-面對不只一個強權-建構一個一般化的生存策略理論。 為了符合一般化的目標,本文採用形式模型(formal modeling)方法,僅設定三項前提:強、弱國權力不對等(power asymmetry)、強國對弱國懷有利益要求(interest claims)、以及強國會結成同盟(alliances)。本文以演繹法為主軸,窮盡分析了足夠多的次情境與子情境,在證明了最常見的國際格局是兩強對峙及三強爭霸之後,再歸納出弱國面對兩強或三強時的最佳生存策略。 結論是:弱國主觀上當然以避險為目標,但實踐上,常以扈從(bandwagon)對它有利益要求的強國為主,間或混合抗衡(balance)的作為,機會條件允許時,也可以很小心的扮演樞紐(pivot)。與強國的權力差距越大,弱國越偏向採取扈從策略,扈從對象可以是提供保護的強權,也可能是發出威脅的強權。 本理論屬應然面(ought to)的建議,當弱國所面對的實際情境,越接近本文所描述的理想型(ideal type)情境時,本理論越具有參考價值。 本理論「一弱二強」情境中之六種子情境,比起戰略小三角理論(strategic triangle)更為細膩處理一個弱國同時與兩個強國交往(engage)的策略,並指出弱國在結婚型三角(Marriage)中扮演樞紐,不見得是最佳選擇


The purpose of this thesis is to construct a general theory regarding survival strategies for a lessor power when facing more than one greater power. In order to maintain generality, this thesis adopts “formal modeling” with only 3 premises: there exists an asymmetry of power between the greater powers and lessor power, greater powers claim interests over the lessor power, and the greater powers usually form alliances to compete with one another. Using deduction, permutation, and combination to exhaustively analyze all possible scenarios and sub-scenarios, and after verifying the most common international structure is 2- or 3-great-powers, this thesis induces the survival strategies for the lessor power. The conclusion of this thesis is that the lessor power should consciously pursue hedging; however, whenever practical, the lessor should bandwagon those greater powers who holds interests claim over her most of the time and, sometimes, balance the greater powers. When there is a good opportunity, the lessor power may carefully play the role of a pivot. The larger the power gap is between the greater powers and the lessor power, the more likely it is for the lessor power to take the bandwagoning strategy. The lessor power may bandwagon the greater power who protects her or, on the contrary, bandwagon the greater power who threats her. This thesis offers suggestions of what ought to be. The closer the situation faced by the lessor power is to the “ideal type” conditions described in this thesis, the more effective the recommended suggestion is. The 6 sub-situations under the situation outlined in this thesis that can happen when one lessor power faces two greater powers are more detailed than the “small strategic triangle theory”. This thesis argues that the strategy to play the role of a “pivot” in “Marriage Triangle” is not necessarily the best option.


其木格 Enkhchimeg Baatarkhuyag,2015,〈蒙中俄關係與蒙古國對 1911-1945年中國的認識〉,國立臺灣大學社會科學院國家發展研究所博士論文。


官晴(2016)。後列寧半總統制政體的憲政轉型與民主表現 外力、經濟、民族主義激蕩下的變奏: 台灣、俄羅斯、蒙古〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU201602641
