  • 學位論文


Spatial Thinking of Senior High School Students:Content Analysis of Geography Subject Test in CEEC

指導教授 : 賴進貴


台灣在2006年將GIS等地理技能融入高中地理九五課程暫行綱要當中。強調GIS是一個再現「虛實」空間概念的好工具,期望可以提升學生蒐集、分析、解釋地理現象的能力。故台灣高中理教師為落實此目標,將Google Earth或QGIS等免費軟體或資源,大量融入在教學課程與學生作業,以培養學生運用科技解決地理問題的能力。 本研究主要透過文本分析法,以台灣實施九十六到一百年的大學指定科目考試地理科試題為研究素材,購買近五年的學生答題的原始資料,藉由Golledge在2002年提出的空間認知 (Spatial thinking) 概念,以專家審查、統計分析、深入訪談等方法企圖了解GIS融入教學之後,對學生在空間認知概念上的幫助。空間認知 (spatial thinking) 是三種認知技巧的集合:空間概念 (concepts of space)、再現工具的使用 (tools of representation)、推理過程 (processes of reasoning)。其中繪製或閱讀地圖與圖表的能力就是空間再現工具的認知技巧。 本研究發現從課綱轉變之後,試題的方向改變與學生在試題的表現中可以發現,高中地理著重從成因的觀點分析不同空間尺度的地理事物分佈和運動規律,所形成的對整體性和差異性分布的理解,教材中不管是自然地理知識,還是人文地理知識,都顯示出對學生空間思維能力的培養,故高中地理教材有助於培養學生的空間思維能力。


GIS has been introduced to Senior High School Geography Curriculum Standard of Taiwan since 2006. As a brand-new technology in teaching and learning, GIS is expected to be a helpful tool to represent “virtual” space in geography course, which aims to enhance students’ ability to apply geographic information to solve real world problems. To achieve the goal, teachers tend to integrate GIS technology with public database and free software resources, such as Google Earth or Quantum GIS. This research contains two parts: First, we collect teacher’s opinions on GIS teaching by a nation-wide questionnaire survey. Secondly, we examine how the concept of spatial thinking was integrated in the geography test for College Entrance Examination during 2008-2010. The spatial thinking discussed here is based on Golledge’s theory that includes three cognitive skills: knowing concepts of space, using tools of representation, and reasoning processes”. For instance, the ability of drawing or reading maps reflects the skill of using tools of representation. This research discovers that most teachers introduce GIS technology and Google Earth in the first year course of senior high school geography. Upon this, students perform well in terms of spatial thinking.


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