  • 學位論文


The Application of Intelligent Facility and Property Management Services for Residential Development

指導教授 : 曾惠斌


摘要 台灣在1989年引進智慧型建築概念,在2003年初步執行智慧建築標章制度,另一方面,我國在1995年6月28日通過「公寓大廈管理條例」,顯示台灣社會從1995年起逐漸重視物業管理機制。雖智慧型建築與物業管理不斷的發展,但在學術領域卻少見學者將此兩領域整合討論,有鑑於此,本研究將智慧建築之229項評估項目與物業管理服務業法草案所列舉之服務範圍進行比對,挑選出122項評估項目,即本文中提及之智慧化物業管理服務,並進行問卷調查,調查過程以卡方考驗、平均數差異檢定與單因子多變量變異數分析法進行分析,隨後以問卷調查之結果為基礎進行案例探討,探討案例中智慧化物業管理服務之相關設置議題。本研究找出9項受訪者需求較大之議題,如整合行動通信提供無線分機的功能、緊急求救系統能顯示求救訊號之樓層或位置與照護資訊及視訊傳送等,以及8項可能供給過剩之議題,如有專屬空間及會議設備、在電梯、直通樓梯等處設置緊急求救按鈕或對講設備與具有不斷電設備,停電後能提供一定時間的電話交換功能等。針對受訪者需求較大的9項議題,進行兩個層面的卡方考驗分析,第一層面的卡方區分出9項議題中適合先行增設的智慧化物業管理服務,以及設置急迫性較低的智慧化物業管理服務,第二層面的卡方分析找出不同族群住戶所強烈需要的智慧化物業管理服務。本文再透過平均數差異檢定與單因子多變量分析法探討智慧化物業管理設備額外安裝、維護費用提升之關鍵問題,包含不同族群受訪者對於安裝費用與維護費用的看法差異程度,以及受訪者基本資料對於智慧化物業管理維護費的影響情況。期望住戶與建築設計業者雙方能參考本研究之結果進行溝通,擬定欲提升之物業管理項目與合理的額外建置與維護費用,進而提升整體居住大樓之智慧化物業管理水準。 關鍵詞:智慧型建築、 物業管理、 智慧化物業管理、 住宅發展 、問卷調查


Abstract The concept of intelligent building was introduced into Taiwan in 1989. The concept of Intelligent Building has been initial implemented in Taiwan in 2003. On the other hand, the Apartment Building Management Ordinance was pass the legislation in Taiwan, on June 28th, 1995. It is thus clear that facility management mechanism has been gradually emphasized by society of Taiwan. Even though the concept of intelligent building and facility management progressive development. But it coulde not be easy to find any author integrate both of two concepts in academic field. In view of this, this research compare the 229 indicators of intelligent building and the draft of facility management service law. There are 122 detail indicators have been selected after comparesion. This research have been designed questionary based on them. Through the chi-square test, T test and multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) to investigate the issue of intelligent facility management mechanism application in cases of this research collected. There are 9 greater demand issues and 8 excess supply issues have been determined. In addition, this research figure out the intelligent facility services which households needed of different groups. This research also analyse the margin of hike the additional maintenance fees and equipment installation fee. This research expect the result of this research will enhance the intelligent facility management level for households and facility management companies. KEY WORDS: Intelligent Buildings, Facility Management, Intelligent Facility Management, Residential Development, Questionnaire Survey


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