  • 學位論文

運用模擬技術於健康檢查中心之流程改造 —以某醫學中心為例

Using Simulation Technique on Process Reengineering in a Physical Examination Department – A Case Study of a Medical Center

指導教授 : 蘇喜


本研究乃針對某醫學中心之健檢中心流程規劃進行研究,以求得理想的流程規劃方案。使用eM-plant作為模式分析設計及流程再造的工具,來建構一套健檢模擬系統。在經由模擬的過程之中,以不更改目前現有的資源之前提下,求得未來適當的流程規劃,可以有效的降低受檢者健檢的總健檢時間,以及在合理的等候時間裡提供所需的服務,達到提升醫療照護品質。 本研究主要模擬的實驗方案如下所述: 實驗方案一:依受檢者的不同檢驗套餐組合區分預約及報到時間 實驗方案二:各科醫師皆準時到診 實驗方案三:改變會診科別開始看診時間 3-1. 將半日精緻健檢之家醫科看診時間提早至上午9:00開始 3-2. 使泌尿科及婦產科前移至上午10:00開始,而其他科別提早至上午11:00開始 3-3. 各科醫師看診時間皆為12:00開始 實驗方案四:增加F檢查套餐 實驗方案五:綜合上述方案之條件設定進行實驗 研究結果發現,所有的方案除了增加F套餐外皆能使受檢者的總健檢時間以及上下午平均等候時間減少。建議後續之研究者能將受檢者之費用資料檔納入其研究範圍之內,更進一步評估健檢中心經流程再造後之成本效益分析。


流程再造 模擬 健康檢查


The research focuses on process planning in a Physical Examination Department of a Medical Center; the purpose is to plan an optimal process by using simulation technique as a design tool for modeling analysis and process reengineering to build a simulation system of physical examination department. Through the process of simulation, to get a result from an optimal process planning is based on the presupposition of unchangeable resource allocation and distribution presently. We hope to reduce total time of examination efficiently and effectively, control the waiting time within the rational range while providing services and achieve an objective of improving the quality of health care. The simulation experiments are described as follows: Experiment 1: It depends on the different packages for examination to discriminate the time for making an appointment and checking in. Experiment 2: Doctors belonging to different departments start to make a diagnosis on time. Experiment 3: To change the beginning time for consulting. 3-1. Let the doctors of general department who provide services for half-day physical checkups begin to consult at 9:00 3-2. Let the urologist and the obstetrician begin to consult at 10:00, and other doctors start at 11:00 3-3 Let all doctors begin to consult at 12:00 Experiment 4: Add F package to choices Experiment 5: Experiment by integrating the conditions setting in the previous tests. The result shows that the all experiments can reduce patient’s total examination time and average waiting time except F package. For the future work, expenses of patients could be included for the further evaluation of cost-effectiveness of Physical Examination Department after process reengineering.


simulation reengineering health examination


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