  • 學位論文

彩葉屬(Neoregelia cv. Perfecta Tricolor)及擎天屬(Guzmania cv. Hercules)觀賞鳳梨花器培養再生之研究

The regeneration in floral organs culture of bromeliad Neoregelia cv. Perfecta Tricolor and Guzmania cv. Hercules.

指導教授 : 許圳塗


蠟燭鳳梨(Guzmania cv.Hercules)子房培植體接種於1/2MS添加2,4-D 0.5-2.0 mg/L組合NAA 0.5、1.0 mg/L處理中,以2,4-D 1.0 mg/L+NAA 0.5 mg/L處理可誘導產生黃色顆粒狀癒合組織,產生頻率為22.2%。此癒合組織繼代於原培養基可持續增生。將癒合組織移至含TDZ 1.0 mg/L及NAA 1.0 mg/L培養基培養兩個月後可誘導形成不定芽,每0.5公分癒合組織團塊約可產生3-6個芽體。進一步將叢生芽分切為0.5公分之芽塊繼代培養於如上之培養基,在半固態基質其增殖效果較液體培養為佳,每芽塊培植體經兩個月培養後可增生1-5個新芽體,平均增殖倍率為3.2倍。叢生芽體分切為0.5公分之芽塊移至1/2 MS+NAA 1.0 mg/L培養基,一個月後芽體抽長,可有利於芽體微扦插。以上述叢生芽分切為單芽微扦插於1/2 MS補充NAA 0.5、1.0、2.0 mg/L之培養基,兩個月後小植株高度約抽長為1-3公分並生長良好,葉片顏色鮮綠,並有黃綠色及白色的細根逐漸形成,其中以NAA 0.5 mg/L之培養基培養後生長情形較佳,發根數也較多。 國王擎天鳳梨(Guzmania cv. Carine)子房培植體接種於1/2MS組合2,4-D 1.0 mg/L、NAA 1.0 mg/L培養兩個月後可誘導產生淡黃色顆粒狀癒合組織,產生頻率為25%,該淡黃色顆粒狀癒合組織以原培養基繼代後可持續增生。 彩葉鳳梨(Neoregelia cv. Perfecta Tricolor)花瓣培植體接種於1/2 MS補充2,4-D 1.0 mg/L、1.5 mg/L、2.0 mg/L及1.5 mg/L+BA 0.5 mg/L 四處理組合中,產生頻率分別為 91.6%、83.3%、66.6%及58.3%,皆可誘導產生白色顆粒狀癒合組織,其中以2,4-D 1.0 mg/L之處理較佳。其他不同部位花器包括萼片、雄蕊、子房及花柱接種於1/2 MS組合2,4-D 1.0 mg/L +NAA 0.5 mg/L之配方,其癒合組織誘導頻率分別為25%、91.6%、75%、75%。而且所誘導之癒合組織數量亦較其他生長調節劑處理組合來的多。然而該白色癒合組織持續繼代於原培養基,其易於褐化與硬化之問題,其尚待解決。另外於2,4-D 1.5 mg/L+BA 0.5 mg/L+NAA 0.5 mg/L之處理組合,可以誘導同一花器部位培植體分別產生表面光滑之白色顆粒狀癒合組織,或表面粗糙之半透明鬆散癒合組織,或同時具有兩種形態之癒合組織。


觀賞鳳梨 組織培養


The ovary explants of Guzmania cv. Hercules were inoculated on 1/2 MS medium supplemented with 2,4-D 0.5-2.0 mg/L combined NAA 0.5ぶ1.0 mg/L , the combination of 2,4-D 1.0 mg/L and NAA 0.5 mg/L was capable to induce yellow granular calli , the frequency was 22.2% . The calli were massively proliferated by serial subcultures. The callus mass were transferred on 1/2 MS medium supplemented with TDZ 1.0 mg/L+NAA 1.0 mg/L, for induction of adventitious buds , about 3-6 buds were formed from each 0.5 cm callus by 2 months after subculture . In further, the ovary-derived adventitious buds were subdivided into 0.5 cm bud blocks , then transferred to proliferation medium as above , each bud block was proliferated 1-5 shoots, the average multiplication rate was 3.2. The multiple buds were separated and transferred to cytokinin free medium for shoot elongation . The singular bud was isolated and rooted rosette plantlets were achieved on medium containing NAA 0.5 mg/L by 2 months after microculture. The ovary explants of Guzmania cv. Carine were inoculated on 1/2 MS medium supplemented with 2,4-D 1.0 mg/L、NAA 1.0 mg/L, yellow calli were induced , the frequency was 25%, and those calli were propagated massively by subculture. The petal explants of Neoregelia cv. Perfecta Tricolor were inoculated on 1/2MS medium added with NAA 0.5 mg/L combined with 2,4-D 1.0 mg/L、1.5 mg/L、2.0 mg/L、1.5 mg/L+BA 0.5 mg/L , the callusing frequency were 91.6%、83.3%、66.6%、58.3% , white calli were induced , and the treatment of 2,4-D 1.0 mg/L was better . The other floral organs included sepal、stamen、ovary and stigma explants were inoculated on 1/2 MS + 2,4-D 1.0 mg/L+NAA 0.5 mg/L, obtained callusing frequency were 25%、91.6%、75% and 75% respectively . But the problem of browning still needs to be resolved. Besides, when supplemented with 2,4-D 1.5 mg/L+BA 0.5 mg/L+NAA 0.5 mg/L , the translucent friable callus and white granular callus could be formation at the same time from the floral organ.


bromeliad tissue culture


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