  • 學位論文

口香糖購買動機的差異對品牌行銷的影響 - 以Airwaves為例

The Impact on Marketing Campaigns Caused by Different Purchase Motives - The Case of Airwaves

指導教授 : 連勇智


消費者對於口香糖的消費者行為一直以來以衝動性消費為主,口香糖鮮少出現在消費者的購物清單中,這也是為什麼口香糖一定會陳列在收銀櫃檯附近,為的就是在結帳前再次刺激消費者的行為。然而,近十年來智慧手機的蓬勃發展使得消費者在為結帳排隊時不再受櫃檯陳列的刺激,而是專注於智慧型手機上的內容。 根據Euromonitor International,自從2007年初代iPhone上市以來,美國口香糖銷售量10年內下降了15%。口香糖市場的萎縮使得各口香糖品牌必須做出行銷上的改變。本研究將探討近年來口香糖市場領導品牌Airwaves為因應市場萎縮所做出不一樣的行銷活動,如何透過這些活動來再次吸引消費者的目光及購買。 一個品牌的行銷活動通常多得難以數計,但最後哪些活動對於銷售上會有所成長、哪些又是徒勞無功呢?此研究將利用Melvin Thomas Copeland所提出的購買動機理論,以理智動機與感情動機來評論一些實際執行的行銷活動,並解釋其成功或失敗的原因。最後,根據Airwaves在台灣的市場定位,給予一些行銷建議。


The purchasing of gum had always been mainly impulsive. Consumers seldom put gum on their shopping list, this is also one of the major reasons that you would see gum at almost every check-out counter no matter which channel, store you choose to shop in. The purpose of doing so, to stimulate impulsive purchasing prior to payment is often the most effective. However, the rapid growth and development of smart phones changed the behaviors of consumer while lining up for the cashier. This directly led to the fact that consumers no longer are under the influence of stimulation of the check-out counter displays. On the other hand, consumers are much more attracted to and even more, addicted to their smart phones. According to Euromonitor International, sales have plunged 15% over the ten years since the launch of the first iPhone. New marketing practices must be adopted to offset the loss of the shrinking industry. This research will probe into the marketing activities that Airwaves, the market leader of the gum industry in Taiwan adopted. How to attract consumers through these marketing activities and furthermore convert into sales. For a brand, its common to have hundreds of marketing campaigns per year, but which ones actually led to growth and are effective, and are the other hand, which ones failed. In this research, we will be looking into a few campaigns that actually been practiced and comment on the reasons of performance individually according to the “Purchase Motive” theory proposed by Melvin Thomas Copeland in 1924. Lastly, at the end of this thesis, there would be a few recommendations for Airwaves on brand marketing and its marketing campaigns.


一、 中文文獻
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2. “消費者行為學¬–第二版”, 余禾, 2018
3. “嚼對不簡單!人們為何吃口香糖!?”, 食力foodNEXT, 2017
4. “2018年全球智慧型手機年增率收斂至2.8%,啟動新一輪淘汰賽”, TrendForce, 2018
