  • 學位論文

打造生態圈-臺灣電信產業之經營與發展策略探討: 以臺灣大哥大為例

Building Ecosystem-The Corporate Strategy Analysis of the Telecom Company : The Case of Taiwan Mobile

指導教授 : 陳忠仁
共同指導教授 : 陳玠甫(Jei-Fu Chen)


台灣大哥大是台灣電信業的領導企業,具有台灣電信三雄的地位,旗下的主要業務包含電信、固網、有線電視、電子商務平台及電視購物。秉持品牌核心精神「Open Possible 能所不能」,透過想像力、科技力、行動力、連結力,與感動力,讓用戶能所不能;同時也預計透過台灣大結合富邦集團的生態系盟友打造「超 5G 應用」,包括智慧球場、智慧倉儲、雲端遊戲,領先業界發展之外也提供符合產業與消費者需求從個人、家庭到城市智慧生活的物聯網應用。 台灣大哥大股份有限公司成立於1997年2月25日,分別於2001年7 月收購泛亞電信、2004 年8月收購東信電訊,成為國內前三大電信業者之一。2007年陸續收購台灣固網和台灣電訊,躍升為國內第二大網路服務業者。2008 年公司推出三大品牌「台灣大哥大」、「台灣大寬頻」、「台灣大電訊」,針對個人、家庭、企業不同族群,提供行動通訊、有線電視、固網等整合性通信服務。台灣大哥大現任董事長為蔡明忠,受到2018年電信業的499之亂影響,台灣大哥大毛利率及營益率近乎腰斬,使其深刻體會未來無法持續以傳統電信商的面貌存在,因此決議讓台灣大哥大轉型為科技公司;也因此在2019年欽點「AppsWork 之初創投」負責人林之晨接任台灣大哥大執行長,期許以創新的方式帶領台灣大哥大突破重圍,駛向藍海。台灣大哥大於2019年陸續投入許多創新市場,包含獨家代理美國 Riot Games 遊戲開發商旗下三款遊戲,分別是《符文大地傳說》、《VALORANT 特戰英豪》、《英雄聯盟:激鬥峽谷》,也透過旗下加值服務 myVideo 積極投資出品獨立影集,如近期佳評如潮的「天橋上的魔術師」、「做工的人」、「火神的眼淚」正是最佳實例。又截止到 2020 年底台哥大的5G可收訊率為業界第一,基地台密度也是業界最高,可見隨著5G的開打台灣大哥大在基礎建設的佈局也已領先同業。 本研究利用VRIO及BCG矩陣分析觀察到台灣大哥大透過創新多元的加值服務逐漸創造出與競爭對手的差異化,利用穩紮穩打的企業精神也讓台灣大哥大在領先市場的同時不忘持續優化在基礎設施的建設,連接與終端消費者的最後一哩路。也利用與富邦集團的資源整合,發展出以終端消費者為核心的用戶生態系,提供用戶最便利的生活圈,放大自身優勢也建立服務差異化的護城河,成功拉開與同業的差距。 最後本研究也建議台哥大在事業體的層面能更加關注有線電視的概況,雖然系統商的利潤高,但未來是否能將聯手頻道商推出更多獨家影集及節目以吸引用戶申辦台哥大的機上盒,利用此基準衡量持續投資在有線電視的效益為關鍵。在策略層面則建議台哥大能持續領先5G建設,確保第一時間提供優質的收訊品質,提升市占率;持續深耕品牌,擴大用戶基數,提升用戶黏著度;並提醒未來在搶占忠端用戶市場時應謹記用戶體驗為王,在整合集團服務應同理用戶需求,避免強硬推銷。


Taiwan Mobile is a leading company in the telecommunications industry in Taiwan, and has the leading position in Taiwan telecommunications. Its main businesses include telecommunications, fixed networks, cable television, e-commerce platforms and TV shopping. Adhering to the brand-new core spirit of "Open Possible", through imagination, technology, action, connection, users can achieve of what they admire; at the same time, it is also expected that through Taiwan's integration of Fubon Group's ecosystem help create "Ultra 5G applications", including smart stadiums, smart storage, and cloud games. In addition to leading the development of the industry, it also provides IoT applications that meet the needs of industries and consumers from individuals, homes to smart life in cities. Taiwan Mobile Co., Ltd. was established on February 25, 1997. It acquired Pan Asia Telecom in July 2001 and Eastcom Telecom in August 2004, making it one of the top three domestic telecommunications companies. In 2007, it successively acquired Taiwan's fixed-line network and Taiwan Telecom, and became the second largest network service provider. In 2008, the company launched three major brands to provide integrated communication services such as mobile communications, cable television, and fixed networks for individuals, families, and businesses of different ethnic groups. The current chairman of Taiwan Mobile is Ming-Chung Tsai, affected by the 499 price war in the telecommunications industry in 2018, Taiwan Mobile’s gross profit margin and profitability have been nearly cut in half, making him deeply aware that it cannot continue to exist as a traditional telecommunications provider in the future, and Taiwan Mobile has to transform into a technology company; therefore, in 2019, Zhi-Chen Lin, the person in charge of "AppsWork's Start-up Investment", took over as the CEO of Taiwan Mobile, hoping to lead Taiwan Mobile to break through and sail to the blue ocean by innovative strategies. Taiwan Mobile Group has successively invested in many innovative markets since 2019, including becoming an exclusive agent of three games produced by the American developer Riot Games, namely "Legend of Runeland", "VALORANT ", "League of Legends ". Also through its value-added service myVideo actively invested in the production of independent film series, such as "Magician on the flyover", "Workman", and "Tears of Fire God" are all excellent examples. By the end of 2020, Taiwan Mobile's 5G receivable rate is the highest among the industry, and the 5G base station density is also the highest as well. It can be seen that with the launch of 5G, Taiwan Mobile has led the industry in infrastructure construction and lots of aspects. Through innovative and diversified value-added services, Taiwan Mobile gradually creates differentiation from its competitors. The entrepreneurial spirit also allows Taiwan Mobile to continue optimiz their construction of infrastructure while leading the market, and to connect the last mile toward the end users. Taiwan Mobile has also integrated the resources of Fubon Group to develop a user ecosystem centered on end consumers, provide users with the most convenient life circle. This thesis discuss on Taiwan Mobile Group, further explores the external aspects of Taiwan’s telecom industry, analyzed resources and capabilities of Taiwan Mobile, explore its innovations strategies and consumer ecosystem, also analyzed the current status of Taiwan Mobile with BCG matrix. Finally, provided directions and suggestions for the future development of Taiwan Mobile.


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