  • 學位論文


The Formation and Performance of Class Identity: The Interaction between urban villagers and foreign peasant workers

指導教授 : 劉可強


本研究的基本關懷是「社群如何形構自我與他者的認同?」、「這種形構的結果與再生產怎麼影響社群之間的互動?」以及「個別的行動者以何種策略維持甚至反轉這樣的認同?」 從這組命題出發,本研究選擇中國大陸福建省泉州市江東村這個城中村做為研究田野,以江東村內本地村民以及外來農民工間日常生活的互動場景作為研究對象,由研究者住進江東村進行為期數月的參與式觀察。 研究者發現因為城中村作為一種特殊的/過渡性的城市空間/生活形式,致使江東村民與外來農民工間的互動關係需放在更大的幾組架構下解釋,意即「城市--城中村--農村」與「城市政府、城市人—城中村民—外來農民工」或「現代(文明、富裕)—落後(不文明、富裕)—更落後(不文明、貧窮)」等架構。主流政策與媒體對「城中村」的種種宣傳與舉措以及營造城中村民與外來農民工的負面形象,成為城中村民與外農工互動中重要的結構性背景,也形構了彼此的階級身份,兩者在各種不同生活情鏡中,面臨了身份焦慮,迅速地計算自身利益與生存策略,轉換當下所扮演的角色。 本研究指出階級身份的形構過程以及不同社群間互動的重要關連,可以藉以進一步反省城市主流論述中對於城中村改造、城市與鄉村、現代性與落後等單向的、片面的普遍社會思考邏輯。政策制訂者乃至於規劃者應該以更彈性與多元的心態,面對各種社群在尋求自身生存的前提之下,而展開不同的生活策略。


身份 城中村 外來者 農民工 互動 排他 現代性


The study attempts to explore three questions ”how communities construct the identity of the self and the other”, “how the construction and reproduction affect the interaction between different communities ”, and ”what kind of strategy individual actor utilizes to maintain or to reverse the identity. ” The study based on participant observation method, to choose two groups of people, the residents in Jian-Dong Village and peasant workers from inland province as the object of the research, analyzes interaction conditions between them. Urban village as a special/ transitional urban space or lifestyle, the interaction between the residents in Jian-Dong Village and foreign peasant workers has to be included and analyzed in a broader framework, like “urban-urban village- village,” “urban government- residents in urban village- foreign peasant workers”, etc. Dominant policy measures construct the structural interactive relationship and class identity of residents in urban village and foreign peasant workers, and media also promotes the negative image. It causes that two people face anxiety of identity and have to calculate self-interests, to develop survival strategies and to transform roles quickly in the different living situations. The study concludes that by reflecting the popular social logic thinking and the mainstream discourse about urban village redevelopment, modernity and urban-countryside, there are more important interrelations in the construction of class identity and interaction between different communities. Policy makers and urban planners should have flexible and diversified attitudes toward the different life strategies of different communities based under the pursuit of self-survival.


Dorothy J. Solinger. 1999. Contesting citizenship in urban China : peasant migrants,the state, and the logic of the market. Berkeley : University of California Press.
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