  • 學位論文


A Case Study on IT Investment Decision-Making in the Educational Sector: A Contextualist Perspective

指導教授 : 謝清佳
共同指導教授 : 許瑋元(Carol Hsu)


近年來,企業為了維持與提升競爭優勢,紛紛引進資訊科技。由於投資金額愈來愈高,資訊科技投資決策過程益受學術界與實務界關注。已往資訊科技投資決策文獻強調理性決策,探討如何以投資財務收益做為決策指標。然而,調查文獻指出,約有一半的資訊科技投資決策受到情境因素影響,並未以財務收益為決策主要考量。因此,本研究採用情境架構,以一個教育機構為個案研究對象,探討資訊科技投資決策過程。 本研究發現,資訊科技投資決策之本質係為投資決策團隊,對於資訊科技投資本身之詮釋。此外,本研究顯示資訊科技倡導者和資訊科技文化影響資訊科技投資決策過程,並具有關鍵性影響力。本文理論貢獻在於將情境架構應用於資訊科技投資決策過程;對於實務貢獻則是建議組織應重視資訊科技倡導者和資訊科技文化之孕育,以確保預期之投資決策結果。


This study endeavors to understand the decision-making process on information technology investment in the context of the educational sector. Much research regarding IT investment emphasizes the financial and operational of decision-making, there has been relatively little research concerning how contextual factors influence the IT investment decision-making process. In attempt to address this research gap, this study employs a contextualist approach to investigate how an educational institution does in practice when making IT investment decisions. Research findings suggest that the nature of decision-making in an IT investment can be described as an interpretation by project teams. Furthermore, the study revealed the influence of an IT champion and the force of an IT culture during the IT decision-making process. The theoretical contribution arises from extending contextualist approach to the field of decision-making on IT investment. The practical contribution lies in illustrating the importance of IT champions and IT culture in the decision-making. Empirically, this study has significant value for MIS researchers by highlighting the contextual issues that affect the decision-making on IT investments.


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