  • 學位論文


Are Electric Scooters Eco-Friendly? The Association of Electric Scooters with Ambient Air Quality

指導教授 : 楊豐安


空氣汙染對環境與健康的破壞,一直是不可忽視的公共衛生問題。交通運輸排放便是空氣汙染源之一,其中又以公路運輸占比最大,為了減緩空氣汙染,許多國家積極制定嚴格的法規、尋找替代方案,而電動機車以電能為動力,使用時能減少碳排放,似乎可完美取代燃油機車,降低空氣汙染。亦有越來越多的研究發現電動機車與良好的空氣品質相關,然而,這些研究多聚焦在特定地區或城市,研究期間也較短暫。鑑於許多國家積極推廣電動機車並提供補貼,了解電動機車是否對空氣品質造成影響至關重要。而臺灣是全球機車密度最高的國家,且臺灣的電動機車市場不斷增長,是研究電動機車與空氣品質關聯性的優秀案例。 本研究採用臺灣22個縣市2013年1月至2020年12月之追蹤資料,透過固定效果模型探討電動機車對空氣品質之影響。研究結果顯示,電動機車可提升空氣品質,電動機車數量每增加一萬輛,PM10、CO、SO2和NO2分別顯著下降了1.147 μg/m3、0.010 ppm、0.109 ppb和0.353 ppb,相較於平均,分別減少了約2.72%、2.81%、4.12%、3.17%。此外,若將電動機車之密度或比例作為主要解釋變數時,亦能得到相似的結論,由此可知,電動機車與減少空氣汙染之關聯具穩健性。另外,本研究進行次群組分析,發現電動機車對於空氣品質的效果在沒有設置火力發電廠的縣市更加明顯。綜上所述,電動機車相較於傳統燃油機車是較環保的交通運具選擇,有助於提升空氣品質。


Ambient air pollution has been a public health concern for decades and its impact on the environment and human health has been well-known. Transportation is one of the contributors to worse air quality, and road vehicles are a major source of transportation emissions. To combat air pollution, many countries have progressively set stricter emission standards for vehicles and sought effective measures to reduce the transportation emissions. Among the many options, electric scooters (e-scooters) appear to be an appealing solution: e-scooters are powered by electric energy via a rechargeable battery and produce no emissions during driving. It is expected that the replacement of petrol scooters with e-scooters would greatly reduce the air pollution. A growing number of studies have evaluated the environmental impact of e-scooters and generally found that e-scooters are associated with better air quality. However, these studies tend to focus on a specific region or city and use a short time period for analysis. Given that many countries have actively promoted and provided subsidies for e-scooters, it is important to have a better understanding of whether and how e-scooters affect air quality. Taiwan presents an excellent case study because it possesses the highest scooter density in the world and it is a growing market for e-scooters. We compile a panel dataset to examine the relationship between e-scooters and ambient air quality. The study period is from 2013 to 2020 and the unit of observation is at the county-month level. To investigate the association of e-scooters with ambient air quality, we employ a fixed-effects methodology given the panel structure of the dataset. The results show that e-scooters are significantly associated with better ambient air quality. For example, a ten-thousand increase in the number of e-scooters is associated with a decrease in PM10, CO, SO2, and NO2 by 2.72%, 2.81%, 4.12%, and 3.17%, respectively. We also find that these results are robust with different model specifications. Moreover, the effect of e-scooters is more pronounced in counties without thermal power plants. In summary, e-scooters are eco-friendlier than petrol scooters, and e-scooters can make ambient air quality better.


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