  • 學位論文


Active interactions between research traditions of Science -- A case study on the development of thermometers and the concept of temperature

指導教授 : 高涌泉 教授
共同指導教授 : 劉廣定 教授


溫度概念及溫度計的使用早已被人們習以為常,然而此兩者在實際的發展進程中,可能並非人們心中所認為地如此理所當然。在「溫度」被創造後的漫長歲月中,溫度概念與溫度計所見證的歷史幾乎就是近代科學被建立的全部過程,無論在歷史演進上或在科學應用中,「溫度」也都與現代科學文明的發展過程緊緊糾纏在一起。因此,在近代科學演進的漫長過程中,溫度概念及溫度計所被形塑的種種意義之變化,在某種程度上也都具有了當時科學或科技發展的進展和困難、前景及侷限之象徵。 因此,本論文首先將回溯自十七世紀以來早期溫度計雛型的現世之後,溫度計及溫度概念如何地影響了近代科學諸多理論與實作研究傳統之發展,並且又一再地隨著這些研究傳統發展後所累積的研究成果,不斷地被重塑其自身意義及形態之過程。在回溯上述種種過程的同時,我們也將觀看到了諸多科學研究傳統間,因為彼此研究成果之交流,故對彼此之進展產生了一積極相互作用;因而也產生了彼此間的共生而致互利,或競爭而致融合(局部性的取代)之種種現象。 此外,在時間尺度的擴展,人們所熟知或所欲探索領域的日益擴大,科學研究傳統彼此間的交流愈見頻繁,成果也愈形繁複之情況下,我們也可藉此觀看到了,各個研究傳統如何建構其「一可讓其研究傳統內之社群有效共享其知識成果」的機制或體系之過程。這使得各學門知識開始形成了組織化的知識傳遞體系,並透過將其研究體系中所使用的數值、單位、樣品成份或是其它在傳遞知識成果時,所可能擁有的種種變因等等,進行一定的標準化過程,來使得其知識成果可以減少因傳遞時而產生的誤解或差距。此外,此一知識體系亦要求許多不同研究傳統下的個人研究成果在此體系下進行表述及傳遞時,必須使彼此的研究成果得以相容,可更有效地進行彼此知識成果之援用及累積,以增加此知識體系之完備性,此即為一學門知識體系的「系統化」之過程。 最後,本文則透過上述此一「不同研究傳統間的積極相互作用」作為切入點,並結合了部份著名的科學哲學理論,來理解並剖析之前所述的溫度概念及其量測技術之種種變遷過程。 在這些討論中,我們將會看到一個可用以描述科學發展的嶄新內部機制模型:無論處於理論或實作的架構下,所有的科學研究傳統,彼此間必具有某種相互作用的特徵。此種特徵對於推動其研究傳統之發展亦有著不可抹滅的影響;它決定了某特定專業領域其發展的特性,實際上會受到與其相關之理論與實作研究傳統間相互配合的影響:透過這種理論與實作研究傳統間的積極相互作用而形成的成果,新型的工具及概念、還有共通之單位,都使得了理論與實作研究傳統間的積極作相互用來得更加容易及頻繁。 然而,此種作用除了可能會進一步地帶動其相關研究領域的發展外,因為研究傳統其領域的重疊,及性質的異同等等原因,也可能會導致了發生種種互助或衝突之情形,因而也衍生出我之前所言的種種「共生互利」、「局部性的取代」現象、或學門知識之「系統化」之過程。在這樣的過程中,亦會隨著參與其中之研究傳統的增加,使得它們之間會衍生出交織而錯綜複雜的網絡關係。同時,透過了這樣一種內部機制之討論,我們得以探討及重構之前科學哲學研究中所謂的「不可共量性」及我個人所提出的「普適性」趨勢的產生過程等等問題,發展了一個關於科學發展的可能模型之建構及其詮釋。 並且透過此種「不同研究傳統間的積極相互作用」觀點之探討下,亦有助於我們去重新理解:「任一科學研究傳統如何在傳承時,保存或喪失其傳承優勢,使其可能會隨著時代的變遷而興盛或沒落」,此一過程。在透過關於研究傳統的「傳承優勢」種種討論及剖析之後,我們則可以更有效地注意到「科學研究傳統之當代性」此一特徵。並可更進一步將其用以探討「在每個時代中,人們如何延續、傳承並重塑前人觀點」之此一科學史的重要面向。另,在此一觀點下,我們或可期待一種新穎體裁,即以撰寫「單位」名稱之沿革為主,的科學史發展之可能性。


The wide use of thermometers and the notion of temperature now seems ordinary to most people. However, the development of this tool and the concept of temperature was not trivial. Furthermore, temperature has been closely intertwined to modern science in its history and applications. Since the concept of temperature and thermometers have been shaped by the progress of modern science, we can see a cross section of scientific history by examining these subjects. Throughout their development, the concept of temperature and thermometers reflected the state of contemporary science: its progress and difficulties, its aspirations and limtations. Accordingly, we will first examine the early development of thermometers begining at the 17th century. We will discuss how the concept of temperature and thermometers affected the development of modern research traditions. And, conversely, how the results of these research traditions reshaped both the meaning and form of the concept of temperature and thermometers during this time.When examining the process of the development of thermometers, we discover that between different research traditions, there exist active interactions, mediated by the interchange of new knowledge. The interactions often resulted in a variety of phenemona: mutual benefits from cooperation, or mergence from competition, namely some partiality of replacement. Extending our examination to a larger scale of time, we see the field of research expanding, a higher frequency of interactions between research traditions, and increasingly complex research results. Here, we also see that within each research tradition, a social system is gradually formed to facilitate the movement and sharing of knowledge among the relevant group of people. This process enables the knowledge within their tradition gradually organized, normalized, and self-consistent. Finally, we will combine the observation of "active interactions" with noted philosophy of science theories, and analyze the development of the concept of temperature and thermometers. We will utilize this analysis to discuss the phenomena mentioned in previous sections, namely: "mutual benefits from cooperation," "partiality of replacement," and "the process of making knowledge to be organized, normalized and self-Consistent." From this dicussion, we will be able to examine the "Incommensurability", "Consistency" established within a research tradition, the "advantage of communication and preservation" of a research tradition, and related questions. From all this, we will discuss possible models for the development of science and their interpretations.


Taylor, Brook (1722-3), “An Account of an Experiment, Made to Ascertain the Proportion of the Expansion of the Liquor in the Thermometer, with Regard to the Degrees of Heat.”, LL.D. R. S. S., Philosophical Transactions (1683-1775), Vol. 32. , p291.
Ellicott, John (1735-6), “The Description and Manner of Using an Instrument for Measuring the Degrees of the Expansion of Metals by Heat.”, Philosophical Transactions (1683-1775), Vol. 39., pp. 297-299.
Smeaton, J. (1753-4), “Description of a New Pyrometer, with a Table of Experiments Made Therewith.”, Philosophical Transactions (1683-1775), Vol. 48., pp. 598-613
Wedgwood, Josiah (1782), Communicated by Sir Joseph Banks, ”An Attempt to Make a Thermometer for Measuring the Higher Degrees of Heat, from a Red Heat up to the Strongest That Vessels Made of Clay can Support.”, Bart. P. R. S., Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Vol. 72. (1782), pp. 305-326.
