  • 學位論文


Cell Identification and Cell Discrimination for a Robotic Cell Culture System

指導教授 : 顏家鈺


自動化細胞培養系統在進入二十一世紀後逐漸取代傳統的人工細胞培養,因其具備降低相關人員工時與職業傷害發生率、以及培養流程的排程化等益處。其中以具高自由度之機械手臂為平台的培養環境能提供更多的動作姿態彈性,使系統功能更廣泛。本文之主要研究目的在於以六軸機械手臂建置一小型自動化培養 系統,搭配一圖像分析的演算法,以達成兩項任務:執行細胞培養操作流程、對誘導型多能幹細胞生長狀況的辨識與分類。 本文首先推導機械手臂的正逆運動學與動力學,實現任務所需的動作教導,並將之模組化為易操作的動作集合。再以影像處理結合機器視覺,實現對大量培養皿顯微圖像的辨識與分類,實現對細胞現狀的判斷與動作決策。


The automation of the cell culturing system has gradually replaced the traditional manual process entering the twenty-first century. It has several benefits such as freeing up time for technicians to perform other tasks, reducing the risk of injury from repetitive strain, ensure less variability from batch to batch, and so on. In the automatic culturing system, the one with high degree of freedom (DOF) can provide more posing flexibility, which makes less limits in the functions of the system. The main purpose of this thesis is to combine a small-scale automatic cell culture system with a image analysis algorithm in order to operate the actions of cell culturing and to discriminate the induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC). The thesis will be divided into two parts, manipulator control and iPSC discrimination. First, the kinematics and dynamics of the robotic arm will be analysed to achieve the system states control and to complete the designated task actions. The robotic system is then merged with a computer vision algorithm, to meet the need for massive microscopic images' cell identification and cell discrimination.


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