  • 學位論文


Attaining Dao Through Gongfu: On Zhuangzi’s Xiaoyao

指導教授 : 杜保瑞


本文以莊子之「道」為切入點,探究莊子思想的內容。「道」一字在莊書內根據不同的討論脈絡而有不同的內涵,「道」指稱世界本源、代表終極價值,「道」亦兼具途徑、方法的意義。本文以價值本體的逍遙之道、宇宙論的氣化之道為基礎,進行修道工夫的討論。為了申明莊子工夫論是身心不二的,本文分別從兩個層面來剖析之:就人間逍遙而言,是緊扣逍遙為價值的心理修養層面之工夫;就神人境界而言,是以氣化宇宙論為理論基礎的身體修煉工夫。 本文共分五章。第一章序論,說明論文主題、研究動機與研究方法,並於此詳述本文藉以建立神人具有理論意義之說的根據。第二章說明莊子之以逍遙為本體、以氣化為宇宙。為了彰顯莊子之逍遙在人間的落實,第三章將討論範圍限定在社會體制與俗世人情之間,討論以逍遙為本體的修道者在人間如何展現其持守工夫。第四章的重點則在於氣化身體的工夫修煉之上,藉此申明神人的理論意義是作為莊子工夫論中的終極表現型態。 第五章結論,本文將針對第三、第四章所展開的兩個脈絡的工夫論,作一整合性的論述,並在此一整合意義下,說明莊子「逍遙」之遊於人世與遊於無窮的兩種型態是互為表裡的關係。唯有理解莊子神人之說並非架空的概念,掌握其理論意義,才能體會「日出而作,日入而息」是為人間逍遙的意義。


逍遙 神人 身心 本體論 宇宙論 工夫論 境界論


This thesis begins by examining the variety of meanings of the word “dao” in order to explore the essence of Zhuangzi’s thought. The word “dao” denotes the origins of being, represents the ultimate value, it also carries the meanings of ways and methods. Based on the notion of xiaoyao as the ultimate value and the theory of qi, the thesis examine the theory of gungfu in the Zhuangzi. To maintain that Zhuangzi’s theory of gungfu is based on a non-separated mind-body self, the examination of the theory of gungfu is therefore emerges as a two-sided approach. In view of xiaoyao in the world of men, we focus on the mental side of gungfu; in view of xiaoyao in the world of shenren, we focus on the bodily side of gungfu. The thesis comprises five chapters. The first chapter is devoted to explaining the subject, motivation, and method of this study, and also explicating the theoretical basis of the concept of shenren. The second chapter is an illustration of two theory: xiaoyao as the ultimate value and qi as the most subtle component of the cosmos. The third and forth chapter discuss the theory of gungfu based on the discussion set forth in the previous chapters. In the final chapter, I will present a integrated review of the two sided theory of practice discussed in chapter three and four. The chapter concludes with some reflections on the co-exist relation between xiaoyao in the world of men and xiaoyao in the world of shenren.


張永儁〈莊子泛神論的自然觀對張橫渠氣論哲學的影響〉《哲學與文化》第三十三卷第八期(2006年8 月),頁83-99。
曾春海〈「氣」在魏晉玄學與美學中的理論蘊義〉《哲學與文化》第三十三卷第八期(2006年8 月),頁67-81。
陳麗桂〈先秦儒道的氣論與黃老之學〉《哲學與文化》第三十三卷第八期(2006年8 月),頁5-18。
